The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS


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Watching foreign leaders sit/stand next to Trump while he’s talking in public is amazing. They have this constant look on their face of like, “Dear God, don’t let him say anything crazy right now,” mixed with “I loathe this man.”


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Trump talks about how amazing Doral is, then says he won’t make any money off of having the G7 there next year.

We’ve reached the stage where the corruption can be rampant and totally open.

Trump currently trashing Obama for getting “outsmarted” by Putin on Crimea, for not standing by the red line in Syria, etc… Says that’s why Obama wanted them out of the G8, but the smart move is having Russia in, not out.

Doubling down on it being Obama’s fault that Crimea was annexed by Russia.

Trump says of Putin that he “would certainly invite him,” next year to the G7 in America.

We’re at the point where he can openly help Russia and 40% of the country is totally positive that there was no collusion and this is purely because it’s in the best interest of America.

We’re so fucked if we lose in 2020.

We might be fucked even if we win.

Reporters are tearing his dumb bullshit apart during his press conference, beautiful.

Trump proclaiming that he’s an environmentalist, and the biggest environmentalist who’s done more for the environment than anyone who’s ever been president or vice president.

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Always simultaneously fun and depressing to see that there are places that have non trash media

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Yeap. I saw a response to one of his tweets by the esteemed David Wohl, father of Jacob Wohl, calling the Murdochs liberals who place their puppets on Fox News. It’s utterly insane at this point.

The 1st journalist who reacts to the “Your fake news” line from trump with “Well your a fake president” wins my vote of the year.

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Yeah I was semi certain the market would gap down this morning… but apparently Wall Street thinks Trump is full of shit or won’t be able to pull any of it off.

( twitter | raw text )

The Democratic National Committee has voted against allowing presidential candidates to hold a climate-focused debate, disappointing activists who have argued the race has focused too little on the crisis.

Windmills be stealing the $ boys and girls.

Trump has repeatedly mentioned his company’s properties during the closing news conference of the G7.

Kelly O’Donnell
“I love the UK” says @realDonaldTrump when asked about the new prime minister, US-UK trade deal. Trump listed his UK golf properties, naming Turnberry, Aberdeen but also mentioned Doonbeg which is located in the Republic of Ireland and the not in the UK.

August 26, 2019

You don’t.