The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I mean Chelsea named a kid Jasper, a name that I was sure died with the LaserDisc format. So there are worse parents out there than McDad.


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To be clear here, what heā€™s hinting at is that heā€™s going to declare another national emergency and put economic sanctions on China to block US companies from doing business with China. This is him following up on his earlier tweet with the legal basis for taking that action.

Bring it

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On the other hand, the 1% will probably not allow this to happen as it would absolutely demolish the stock market. So the powers that be will let Mitch know that this is a red line.

ā€œLate Friday night, Trump told reporters he wouldnā€™t stop Powell if the chairman wanted to resign.ā€

LOL. I canā€™t speak definitively for Powell but Iā€™d bet a lot that the feeling is mutual!

In fact I wish Powell would tweet that ASAP.

Yeah there is no goddamn way Trump is using executive powers to stop companies doing business with China. He would probably get JFKd.

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Farmers are going to kill us all.

According to NASA, which operates the Aqua satellite, over 67,000 fires were reported in a one-week period in June last year, as farmers employed slash and burn agriculture to clear land for crops.

Not to mention the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people whos land it truly isā€¦

Trump still being alive already makes me think that Oswald acted alone.

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Ive thought that too. The deep state does not seem so deep or powerful.

Another piece of evidence that Fermi didnā€™t actually have a paradox. Civilization is not sustainable.

I still have hope for a star trek universe. Where like cockroaches we will survive even if we have to dig ourselves into the ground and become the Morlocks then explores the stars.

I really wasnā€™t expecting the rate that the world burned down to accelerate while I was on vacation.

Thanks awval.

Hilarious and depressing all at once. Taibbi kills it.

This cycle has led to more alienation and made the 2020 election a gruesome, exhausting black comedy. This is our penance for turning the presidential campaign into a bread-and-circus entertainment. Middle Americans got so used to getting nothing out of elections, they started treating national politics for what it had become to them, a distant, pretentious sitcom.

Now theyā€™re writing their own script. They canā€™t arrange for Jake Tapper to be fed to a shark, so theyā€™ll settle for rolling Donald Trump into Washington. Itā€™s hard to see right now, it being the end of our society and all, but the situation is not without humor, in a ā€œWhat does this button marked ā€˜Detonateā€™ do?ā€ sort of way. Can America shoot itself in the head a second time? It sounds, appropriately enough, like the premise of a Trump TV show.

Itā€™s indulgent, absurd, narcissistic, and appalling, unless youā€™re a Trump fan, in which case itā€™s hilarious, a continuation of the belly laughs that began in many parts of America with Hillary Clintonā€™s concession speech.

Trump crowds have changed. At the beginning of 2016, trying to pull quotes out of Trump rallies was like stopping a bunch of straight men whoā€™d just whacked each other off behind a trailer. They didnā€™t want to talk about it.

As time progressed, the crowdā€™s profile widened. You met union members, veterans, and where it got weird was the stream of people who appeared to be neither traditional Republicans nor, seemingly, interested in politics at all. Among both young and old, people turned out who had no conception of Trump as anything but a TV star. This second groupā€™s numbers seemed to have swelled.


Holy shit thatā€™s depressing

Thatā€™s some damn good writing.

Oh thereā€™s no question. Itā€™s pretty damn obvious. He probably letā€™s the billionaires know what heā€™s gonna do in advance so they can profit off of it

No doubt. If you ainā€™t running for Canada after Trump gets reelected in 2020, youā€™re going down with the ship.

Itā€™s probably also not even illegal if he is tipping them off as to his plans. Itā€™s not your classic inside information, and Trump probably has no duty not to trade off his planned statements/actions. So that means he can probably tell anyone about his plans and they can trade in advance. Would only be possibly illegal if he didnā€™t authorize them to trade.

Obama passed a law back in 2012 making it illegal for members of Congress and their employees to do this, but that law doesnā€™t apply to Executive branch.

Heā€™s Bobo from Florida

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