The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

There’s really nothing left to say, other than “thanks Awval.” What the hell is the point of being freshly outraged at every individual event? We have a god damn racist asshat moron piece of shit running our country because stupid old white people love him, end of story.

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Don’t read Command and Control, we were really really lucky…

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Eh, I’ve posted multiple tl;dr posts about this before, but over the past 20-30 years religious fundamentalism has become much less important to Republican politics.They still depend on the evangelical vote, but they’ve also developed a more secular strain of politics. I mean all these Trumpers and Proud Boys and anime Nazis hardly ever really talk about Christian fundamentalism.

So it’s not too hard for me to see Republicans being mostly okay with a Mormon nominee but still unwilling to accept a brown woman as president.

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You should definitely read How to Hide an Empire, you’re basically on the verge of independently coming up with his theory of a “pointillist empire.”

We all always knew “christian” was a thinly veiled way for politicians to say “white.” They’ve simply dropped the needless religious talk none of the “values voters” ever actually cared about, sticking the IV right into their collective temple and pumping the naked racism right into their lizard brains.

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it’s in my audible library but i’ve been listening to a ton of howard stern show lately so i’m only a couple hours in

To be honest this is my absolute favorite thing about this presidency. When trump is gone, the evangelicals and the church will likely have put the final nail in their coffin. Younger generation isnt religious at all, christianity/religion has been dying off for years (globally) and now the whole hypocritical ruse has been laid bare for everyone to see.

Coming from the church growing up it is pretty astounding to me to watch people i once admired as a child so shamelessly toss away every value they ever held for this guy.

One strength i have is i studied theology for 13 years in great detail and any time i get into a debate with one of these fuckwads about how trump is actually doing god’s will it is an absolute and total destruction. Like it’s not even seriously debatable if you are a Christian, that you are supporting a man that basically the entire bible condemns.

He’s not well

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White evangelicals are still 26% of the total national vote share. Incredibly important for the GOP. Nonreligious Questions


Riverman on fire lately.

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But notice how Evangelicals are kind of a captive audience now and the GOP really doesn’t pander as hard to them as they did in the heyday of the Reagan/Bush years. Trump doesn’t talk in allegories about a shining city on a hill or his personal relationship to Jesus. Guys like Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell have been replaced by secular white supremacists like Tucker and Hannity. There’s still notional lip service to Evangleicals like letting Pence be VP, but it’s mostly performative.

I think your optimism is badly misplaced. Notice that even as the GOP becomes more secular, it’s not becoming any less hostile to women or minorities. For a long time I (like you) thought religion was what was responsible for a lot of white male tribalism, but it really seems like that’s the cart dragging the horse.

Basically, if religious fundamentalism goes out of style but we’re still as fascist and bigoted as before, what have we gained?

Here’s a little history for you. In the 1970s, evangelical Christians were reliably non-voters despite being a large bloc. The Moral Majority aimed to change them into reliable voters for the GOP. It was successful. They’re reliable. Reliable and often evil. And often the furthest thing from what a real Christian is supposed to be.

But he has a good amount of power to speed up global warming…

… and he does seem to be trying as hard as possible to make it faster.

If I was an Israeli I’d be pretty annoyed that trump was using my country as a political tool to attack his enemies.

Yeah if you were Israeli you should be mad at Bibi not Donald. He’s the one who decided to pick sides in American politics. Huge mistake too.

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