The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

“It’s an insult from a close friend and ally,” Michael Aastrup Jensen, a member of the Danish parliament with the influential center-right Venstre party, told The Washington Post. He said Trump’s interest in purchasing Greenland took the country by surprise and was initially widely considered to be a joke, before Danes realized the full extent of “this disaster.”

Jensen said Danish lawmakers felt misled and “appalled” by the president, who “lacks even basic diplomatic skills,” he said. “There was no word [ahead of time] about: ‘I want to buy Greenland and that’s why I’m coming.’ ”

On Twitter, Denmark’s former business minister, Rasmus Jarlov, wrote: “For no reason Trump assumes that (an autonomous) part of our country is for sale. Then insultingly cancels visit that everybody was preparing for.”

Center-right lawmaker Jensen called the abrupt cancellation “an insult to the royal house.”

Other lawmakers cited by Danish media outlets questioned if the president was still welcome in the country.

Trump’s behavior reminded him of “a spoiled child,” Søren Espersen, foreign affairs spokesman for the right-wing populist Danish People’s Party, told Danish newspaper Politiken.

“Trump lives on another planet. Self-sufficient and disrespectful,” wrote Pernille Skipper, a left-wing Danish politician, on Twitter.

Apart from eliciting anger, Trump has had at least one other impact in Denmark in recent days, though. His moves, said center-right lawmaker Jensen, had “strengthened support for Greenland.”

i still cant believe that people think Trumps base would go for ditching the god fearing michael Pence, for an indian chick named nimrata randhawa.

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The funny thing about this whole Denmark thing is that only two days before this nonsense started a Startalk episode was published that festures Neill deGrasse Tyson visiting Thule Air Base and discussing its strategic importance.
So I think it’s possible someone listened to it, told Trump about it and he was confused, so he came up with the idea of buying the place.

Zero chance anyone close to trump listens to startalk. These are all deeply anti-intellectual people devoid of curiosity about the world.

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Can we trade New England for Greenland?


They’d eat that shit up are you kidding me? It would be the ultimate proof of their non-racism, plus they’re all incels so she’s like a goddess to them.

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Whoever said that Trump reminded them of a slowly melting wax statue had a pretty good take.

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I mean, people used to think the GOP would never nominate a Mormon before 2012

As long as you talk the talk and walk the line they’ll take you. Tim Scott will be a senator for as long as he wants to be because he keeps his mouth shut and never ever strays from the party line.
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( twitter | raw text )

Henry Ford would be even more disappointed his company isn’t run by white nationalists.


Googled Thule Air Base. In 1968 a B52 with 4 nuclear weapons crashed and burned near there. There was a disputed claim made by the BBC after reviewing declassified documents that one of the warheads was not accounted for.

I don’t really think we’re favorites to survive, but man were we lucky to make it out of the first few decades after nukes were invented.


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I don’t know if traffic is just low here or if everyone is numb to Trump at this point but I’m disappointed in the relatively small discussion his utter insanity over the last two days has generated. Canceling diplomatic meetings over cockamamie ideas and calling Jewish Democrats disloyal? And yet barely a whimper at this point, not just from here but even the public conversation (from what I can tell). Senile grandpa has driven the car off the road and into a cornfield and everyone is just seeing where the ride takes them.


Lol, you think the last two days are special.


yeah like, if he thought greenland was really strategically important, he could negotiate maybe to lease some land for a military base there. he says he wants to buy a country? and he’s upset when people think he’s joking? legit this is the worst dementia he’s had in a while

It’s hard to tell when you’re joking, but Thule Air Base on Greenland is a US base. And I doubt Greenland/Denmark could ever kick us out. A ton of people in Japan want us out and probably Germany too, but that hasn’t happened.

oh ok i didn’t know that. i guess he needs every other part of greenland for maximum strategy or snowmobiling for don jr and eric or something