The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

He has usually polled at like 42+ since the election, but there was an immediate bump after the election. He polled in the high 30s before it.

Oh finally some good news. More nukes, just what we need.

U.S. Formally Withdraws From 1987 Nuclear Pact With Russia
President Donald Trump’s administration says Moscow is in violation of the Cold War-era Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF).

The United States formally withdrew from a landmark nuclear missile pact with Russia on Friday after determining that Moscow was in violation of the treaty and had no plans to come into compliance with it.
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A funny thing is that when you work with complex organizations, especially in leadership, whether politics, the military, law, engineering projects (e.g., Apollo,. a bridge), and a whole bunch of other stuff, you have to be truthful and trustworthy and basically accurate, because your actions or commands are part of an interdependent chain of actions or commands, AND EVERYONE HAS TO BE ON THE SAME PAGE. Statements, to say nothing of commands, have significant consequences for the endeavor being undertaken.

However, because Trump is a conman who inherited his wealth, his only efforts to actually run something larger than a McDonald’s have gone bankrupt. He hates reality. He really doesn’t understand that you cannot govern or enact policy that’s basically BS. All you can do is hire toadies who won’t push back and hope they can somehow implement, or make it appear they are implementing, your BS and inconsistent and/or illegal dictates.

I mean there are many other paths beside being a competent leader, things like failure, massacres, mass starvation, losses at war, etc. Trump’s strategy in part is just to say a lot of BS and pretend and not do most the things he says unless (ideally) other people give him permission.

This is not very well stated, as I’ve been up all night and just filed a Complaint (i.e., lawsuit), but I think complex systems simply aren’t designed to handle people like Trump, because systems have to operate on the constant communication of information that reflects reality in order to function properly. (Otherwise you get thigns like the Iraq war and global warming).

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Neville Chamberlain ITT.


This is incredible.

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“The previous administration, they liked windmills. You know windmills: if a windmill is within two miles of your house, your house is practically worthless.”

“We’re replacing random migration and we’re replacing the lottery system. How about the lottery system? How about lotteries? This was Chuck Schumer: you put the name in a basket. The country puts the name in the basket. And you pick people out of the lottery. 'Well, let’s see, this one’s a murderer. This one robbed four banks, this one … I’d better, not say … this one, another murderer, ladies and gentlemen, another murderer.”

“The greatest betrayal committed by the Democrats is their support for open borders. And these open borders would overwhelm schools and hospitals, drain public services and flood communities with poisonous drugs.”

“…We will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions, always.”

“We passed VA Choice and VA Accountability on behalf of our great veterans. They’ve been trying to pass VA Choice for four decades. They couldn’t get it done, we got it done, we got it.”

“I say it all the time: never happened before. There’s never been a movement like this. They’ve had movements, they never went – they won a state, they did well in a state. We won 32 states, there’s never been anything like it.”

Both countries have been skirting the treaty since 2008 and 2009 and it also only banned intermediate range land launched missiles anyway so both countries probably just moved any missiles in that range to planes or subs.

For example, the US government gave Lockheed Martin $73.8 million in 2017 to develop a missile with

long-range precision fires with ranges up to 499 kilometers

exactly 1 kilometer under the treaty.

Nuclear threat is way underrated imo. Every new weapon makes the world a little more dangerous and I think probably both sides are doing this primarily for the sake of war contractors. Humans are about 60 years into living with the ability to wipe out civilization in a day, we’ve definitely not dealt with that threat and I think we’re a dog to get there.

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This is what it’s all about, imo. It’s always about the grift.
Corporate and Foreign Interests Behind White House Push to Transfer U.S. Nuclear Technology to Saudi Arabia

Overall, the new documents obtained by the Committee reveal that, with regard to
Saudi Arabia, the Trump Administration has virtually obliterated the lines normally
separating government policymaking from corporate and foreign interests. The documents show the Administration’s willingness to let private parties with close ties to the Presidentwield outsized influence over U.S. policy towards Saudi Arabia. These new documents raise serious questions about whether the White House is willing to place the potential profits of the President’s friends above the national security of the American people and the universal objective of preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.

Lots of working-class Midwesterners worry about windmills destroying their beachside property values, Trump is a real man of the people.

Looks like Harley Rouda flipped publicly to the impeachment side of the house. I think I sent about 50 fiery letters to his office and encouraged everyone I knew to do the same. I doubt it moved the needle but fuck it. That shit really pissed me off.


He’s been on the record forever (he ran on it as you stated), but was listed at number 85 of 117 in the CNN list. He was the last person listed before the vote to table the Al Green impeachment resolution, but CNN’s reporting missed him because they didn’t think it was important to update it until they started tracking after that vote.

We came back and said it turned out he was on the list after research less than an hour after you posted about it.

Spokesman Zach Helder said that Rouda has “stated that if the White House did not show a good faith effort to comply with Congressional subpoenas by July 1, than he would support an effort to open an impeachment inquiry on that basis were it to be considered by the House.”

Wow, nunnehi, you condescending ass, I totally forgot about that whole exchange!
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