The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS


I don’t believe they did appoint one for Nixon. That’s what allowed the Saturday night massacre to happen, Archibald Cox was appointed by Nixon’s AG after the AG promised to do so during his senate confirmation hearing. In 1978 Congress passed the ethics in government act which gave itself more say in the decision to appoint a special prosecutor, but even then it was up to the AG. That law expired in 1999. Now special prosecutors are appointed by the AG and governed by DoJ regulations.

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Guys, this money I took out of that bank vault it’s not a robbery ok, I think that’s pretty clear. Give me a call on a secure line if you want to talk about it.


That’s the blood of the lamb we’re sipping on over here.

Look I know we promised you the money, but the CEO has changed and now he just wants you to write this strongly worded letter to the old CEO’s assistant THEN we’ll pay you out.

ps: The CEO’s personal Lawyer has the letter already drafted for you and only need your signature.

That said, the Biden hate is a bit ridiculous. I’ve been wanting to say that for awhile now but I figured people would think I was joking.

I mean, yeah, he sucks, sure. Most people suck.

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It kinda drifted from well he won’t win so why bother nominate him, to bloody eye Joe is a disaster, and folks piled on.

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Most people aren’t squatting over the Dem nomination on the fumes of vicarious name-recognition.

That is a really inaccurate take there about Obama v. Biden. Obama is an excellent bridge between the good and bad of the Democratic party and he started out sooo much worse than he ended up. I think that was mostly because he either couldn’t get elected or didn’t think he could govern without giving a lot of nods to the Clinton wing of the party of which Biden is part of an on the far side of it no less. Just look at how much better Obama’s FP was after HRC was gone. Libya and troop level rise in Afghanistan and Iraq were first term and Iran and Cuba and troop withdrawal were second term.


You mean something like this?

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Nunnehi’s monster post is him in a nutshell.

A ton of useful content and clear, concise replies about what is going on.

Then this monster slab of unreadable text doing some weird combination of attacking other posters and defending his position.

Then some more of the first part again.

As a mostly lurkey. Fyi. Best way to read him.

If the post is more that 3 paragraphs long, skip it, read everything else.


And since I’m on the topic of other posters and Chris is talking about his australianess.

Don’t you support/work for the Australian version of the GOP? How do you feel about them being real big on locking brown kids in cages?

Or maybe I misremembered from the other site.

Official statement from Rick Perry: “No quid, no quo, what’s the third one? Whoops!”



Sure, but there were two baker’s dozens pouring out of a clown car trying to squat over the Dem nomination.

p.s. Did you mean poop on or the other definition? Or both?

As soon as he got the invitation from Rudolph W. Giuliani, President Trump’s personal lawyer, it was abundantly clear to him what Mr. Trump’s allies were after.

“I understood very well what would interest them,” Yuriy Lutsenko, Ukraine’s recently fired prosecutor general, said in an extensive interview in London. “I have 23 years in politics. I knew.”

“I’m a political animal,” he added.

When Mr. Lutsenko sat down with Mr. Giuliani in New York in January, he recalled, his expectations were confirmed: The president’s lawyer wanted him to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son Hunter.

It was the start of what both sides hoped would be a mutually beneficial relationship — but one that is now central to the impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump.

oh wow he’s talking

liddle’ something to take your mind off things


Yeah, that’s not bad. I still think it’s more appropriate to have the Constitution and flag more than people, but it’s not bad.

Thanks for this helpful post, I’ll make my attacks on posters and defending my position fewer than 3 paragraphs in the future.

I just meant squatting, no poop.