The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

i believe his exact words will be “why won’t the attorney general or the fbi do anything? act now! i will pardon you!”

I’m so glad this is almost over.

We had to sweat four years of this crap and now the end is in sight. Biden wins tomorrow night in a landslide and it’s all downhill from there.

The victory will be so overwhelming (White House, Senate, House) all the Trumpers you guys are so worried about will immediately stand down. I’m not saying they’ll be happy about it, but they will be so stunned by the outcome they will simply give up. What else could they do? They’ll spend a little while talking tough, but when it comes down to it, overthrowing a government they see as illegitimate is a lot of hard work, not to mention very dangerous and basically hopeless. And deep down they’ll know it wasn’t “rigged” and that Trump is a loser.

Their entire identity is based on grievance so they’ll be perfectly happy to spend the next four years watching FoxNews and complaining even while everything gets better.

As competence replaces chaos and corruption, people will finally begin to come together and the nation will heal. It will take some time to undo all the damage of the past four years, but Joe will at least start moving us in the right direction.


From an email I sent to a client:

“Yes, I should be able to get the analysis done by the end of Thursday, though the claims may require another day. I’ve been waiting for four years for election day and have fairly elaborate plans. I also expect to be a bit discombobulated and distracted by Trump’s shenanigans on Wednesday.”


Homosexuals will overthrow your private thoughts

Looks like the spank bank is about to have some new deposits!


Talk about going out on the largest most secure limb on earth. :grin:


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Was furiously rushing to cue the narrator, then I realized who posted this.

bisexuals will overthrow your guns

Commies End Nascar.

I mean Nascar sucks sure but there have to be better targets.

Good thread

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Let’s not overlook the fact that some 77 year olds are much more astute than some 73 year olds. I would argue that not only has Trump suffered more severe cognitive decline than Biden, but he had less to work with from the start


It was a hit for R.E.M.


That looks out of context as it was posted 2 weeks ago when I was defending Biden as not senile and normal mentally for his age.

He is the more fit guy for the job of the two. Mentally and in every other way.

Yeah sorry. Didn’t mean to take you out of context. As much as I value what some posters here have to offer, I just don’t have the time to read every post ITT. I just scroll back a page or so and jump in with an opinion every now and then

Edit: I see what happened now. When I load the thread it took me to where I last left off. My bad

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Pretty sure you win so far.

I will say I had a good time visiting the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte. Its pretty interesting and fun.
( twitter | raw text )

No worries I was just trying to make sure my position on that was clear and avoid a derail.

It would be more in Trumps pattern to say something quasi sane tomorrow (I.e. “we have to make sure that the final votes are all counted and the results of the election can be confirmed”) leading to a bunch of breathless praise from the media. Then by noon the next day he’ll tweet about how the election was rigged and some people are saying none of the results can be trusted and he’s calling on all Real American Patriots to take action so that Antifa doesn’t steal the election.

I got Anarchists burn down the American dream.