The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.
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lol my man is crushing the grift. Paypal!


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Just landed in Traverse City, Michigan

Where better to get your points across! GET IT?!!

(I hope this is acceptable bot responding.)

Riverman used to say this every day.

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I saw a tiktok from a lady who knows that guy, and she outed everything about him.

I am curious if his U.K. owned employer has decided to do anything yet.

I did not expect trump to retype every tweet of the last four years the night before his final election.


I must admit, I’d have lost money on @pyatnitski being the 1st foreigner to fall to the Bot, sorry guys & girls, what else can I say really.


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We call that degentrification sir.

I am going to take a risk and go with WP verifying the context of the question. Of course this is unwise on my part but tis the season for taking risks, and F Marco Rubio.

Donald “Ending Tariffs” Trump will be his legacy.

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Regarding whether Trump supporters really want to risk ruining or losing their lives in armed conflict - supposedly Daniel (the dead guy) and Pappas were packing and neither pulled their guns in this spot.

Once Daniel was dead, Pappas went screaming away from the scene, presumably looking for Reinohl, yelling “You’re fucking dead!”. But didn’t do squat during the real battle - probably too stunned. They weren’t looking for a gunfight - they were looking to mace someone and beat the shit out of them. According to twitter the dead guy in Denver had a gun on him too - but chose to use mace.

Also unless I missed it - there have been no more subsequent Trump parades through downtown Portland.


So I forget, did Reinhole have a legit possible defense for self defense since the dude tried to spray him with bear mace? Seems like he would in a red state but I doubt that shit flies in Portland.

Yeah for sure he did. He saw Daniel raising his arm - easiest defense ever to say you thought it was a gun,

Why did he insist on being on the run and then dying in a gun battle?

I’m not sure he insisted on the latter.

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Tough crowd.

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