The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.
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If only there was a way for him to show how fake the lamestream media is!

Was there some kind of decision Iā€™m not aware of or donā€™t recall? Were mine not obviously fake enough? Is dunking on the bot tweeting 25 endorsements in a row rapid fire now frowned upon?

Did we get the inheritance from the Nigerian prince, too?


what are the details of the american citizen in nigeria? like what was he doing there, contractor or missionary? freaking iphone default news suggestion for that takes me to fox news, and they somewhat conspicuously give his name but not life story.

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Watching some of Trumps speech. Super low energy. Not like a typical rally, just blah blah blah establishment bad, iā€™m not a typical politician Iā€™m totally an outsider and Iā€™ve done more than any president ever.

Not much insanity, seems like heā€™s trying way too late to seem normal lol.

Heā€™s 74, obese, has never exercised a day in his life, and just recovered from covid. He could be finally hitting the limits of snorting adderall.


Heā€™s begging the doctors for another shot of dexamethasone I bet.

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He was kidnapped last week and was a farmer in Niger. From what I read at the time it seemed he moved to the area a few years back, maybe a dual citizen?

Edit - Heā€™s reportedly the son of missionary, but the article I found is the Daily Mail so not posting a link.

Not even a token black guy.

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snow white and eight police state dwarves.


Ivanka Does Dallas


Kidnapped Monday, rescued Saturday

No clue, I just went for the low hanging fruit of the Nigerian Prince joke.

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I posted them, you complained about them, so I asked.

Sheā€™s gonna be tough to beat when she runs for POTUS. Basically Trump politics with a pretty face and a better vocabulary.

Tough to run for President from jail


i immediately imagined stephen miller with a german accent saying, ā€œā€¦but not impossibleā€¦ā€

Heā€™s dropping out of the race?

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