The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Alright stop what you’re doing,'cause I’m about to ruin the image and the style that you’re used to


Trump’s done more to devastate the fossil fuel industry in the past 8 months then Ralph Nader could have dreamed of in 30 years:

“but her emails” propaganda is lodged forever in our brains, and i only wish it were the worst thing we will carry on as a society.


I’ve been thinking about this.

If Trump loses, I don’t think he will do anything on his way out. I think he will just disappear.

One day soon, he’ll hear a car pull up to the front curb of the White House, and an engine will cut out. He’ll hear footsteps coming up his back walk to the Oval. Like they did for Nixon, two years after the Watergate break-in. Like they did for Gerald Ford two and a half years after he took over for Nixon and said that though they hadn’t elected him with their votes, he’d hoped they would confirm him with their prayers.

Trump is alone in the Oval. Someone knocks on the door.

He’s long past jumping into a golf cart and punching it. He takes one of his hyper, gulping breaths. Clenches his teeth. Inches timidly toward the insistent knock.

Opens the door and hears his last words as president.

“You’ll be silent forever, and I’ll be gone in the dark."

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I was thinking that if there’s any chance he gets the 25th Amendment on him it’s in the next few months after he loses because he goes ballistic.


I am less and less confident we will see anything from him on his way out. He’s more the sort of person to abandon everyone and say fuck all of you, I didn’t want this job anyway.

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He is incapable of strategic thinking. He will keep doing what he already does every day as the most powerful person on earth, watch Fox News and rage tweet. He will probably field phone calls from all sorts of right wing scumbags before pardoning them, himself and his family.


This. Also lots of new grifts. Just so much grifting.


Hope so. He goes crazy and Republicans finally jump ship and start crying about how we need to work together is my guess though. Maybe not 25th Amendment but I still think that is about what happens.

Yea I don’t see him going quietly. He’s a whiny little narcissistic child. He’s going to cry and flail and try to inflict pain on the way out.

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Maybe with a little nudging his rage could be directed at Mitch or other Rs.

“Why’d you listen to x? They really led you astray. It sure seems like that’s what cost you the election.”


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If Trump is smart, (LOL) he allows Pence to be 45 and pardon him before Biden is sworn in. I know he’s still screwed about State charges but it’s not like he’ll think that far ahead.

To pull off a realistic Melania, she has been instructed to pull away in disgust. Otherwise, no one would believe it’s her.


He’ll end up in prison OJ style. For some totally unconnected and ridiculous grift that can’t even yet be imagined.

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FOIA the hippo from the Cincinnati zoo? This thread is melting together.

Christopher F. Rufo is definitely getting a luxury suite at the Idea Reformation Campground that will be established post inauguration.

I could totally see Trump getting arrested for robbing people to recover Trump memorabilia.

Well, maybe Trump Jr.

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If he loses wonder how much he will steal from the white house.