The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Trying not to get ahead of things but it sure will be nice to not hear the chezlawā€™s of the world tell us how calling things racist got us Trump and why Trump won.

No fucking way sheā€™s kissing him.

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That is not Melania. lol

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Wasnā€™t the main reason that it was just easier.

Only if you believe Clinton.

This is her face moments after the last kiss. If itā€™s not her, I need someone to explain why she reacts like this.

I doubt Melania still has full control over her facial expressions.

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That teleprompter is very conspicuously placed. Very conspicuously.

I went to Belize a a couple of years back and saw a manatee in the flesh. Cool as fuck.

We are big Fiona fans. My wifeā€™s nieces were the perfect age (6-7?) when she was born. We went when she was about 1 1/2 I think.

Pretty sure Fiona is for Biden. Be awful hard to understand if she is for Trump.

Thereā€™s a wildlife refuge in Mexico - near the ruins of Palenque where you can feed the manatees.

Itā€™s why most people do stupid inconsequential shit.

I suffered through the Hilldawg documentary and the way they explained it was it was literally the server Bill used as president. Thus it had been vetted for that and was still up to snuff. And also that Colin Powell did the same thing with a private server from his house.

No I didnā€™t fact check any of this.

Iā€™m on team fake Melania. The things we will find out once he is out of office.

1 Fake Melania
2 Fake Barron
3 Stephen Miller is a vampire
4 Fake hair
5 fake trump at times


Hard to believe that people associated with Boston are deplorable.

We used to get groups of bostonians that would end up taking over an entire poker table when I used to deal. Those were miserable downs.


I canā€™t tell if you guys are being serious, but it canā€™t possibly be a fake Melania. Thereā€™s no way the leakiest administration if all time could keep that a secret.


Yeah. Trump is a broken narcissist who is incapable of tolerating criticism on an almost biological level. He held an impromptu rally just to prove that he could hold a glass of water one-handed, for fucksā€™ sake. Responding to criticism of his affectionless marriage by hiring a fake wife that will pretend to tolerate him is absolutely within his wheelhouse. Thatā€™s not Melania. Thatā€™s Trumpā€™s water glass.