The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Shocking. UPS is unable to provide any more details on how the documents were “found”.

Not going to lie, all this flailing by Trump and the right wing media is going to make next week that much sweeter if it breaks the right way.

Wait a second. They sent a flash drive with the documents? That makes this even dumber if correct.

Don’t note that tucker spends another day talking about package shipping and not talking about what is in these explosive documents.


well you can’t email it because deep state obama justice department spies will find out what you’re gonna say hours before you say it on the #1 highest rated prime time cable program


I believe Tucker will talk about ups on Friday and Monday, then release the bombshell on Wednesday,


Just in time to entertain us after they call it for Biden LOL.

That would be so sweet if they kept pushing it after it’s called. Better than Karl Rove’s life flashing before his eyes as he realized Obama won after all.

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I’ve said this before, but goddamn this ish is so incomprehensible to anyone who isn’t obsessively following Fox News news on an hourly basis. For the superfans who are way deep into the canon of the Tucker Carlson Extended Universe, all of this is probably riveting shit. It’s like when I’m watching season four of The Flash and I discover that all along Savitar has actually been a time ghost of Barry Allen after he ran backwards in time to an alternate dimension when he fought Zoom on Earth Four in the season finale season two. That is incredible television right there. But also I don’t know how any casual viewer could tune in to this show and understand what the hell is even going on with this nerd shit.

Like, just imagine you’re some rando in Minnesota who only once a week flips to Fox News after Jeopardy!. Can you follow anything that’s going on in that clip? UPS is returning the documents! But the flash drive got separated! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN and then we saw our producers seal the envelope and that means someone removed the documents damaging to the Biden family and I guess UPS threw out the envelope and that is very sus because…? I don’t know how you get casuals who are out of work or struggling to manage remote learning excited about this kind of baroque soap opera court drama.

Going on a tangent here: I think Marvel figured out the basic recipe for how to make this work a long time ago. You can jump right into any random Marvel movie without knowing anything about the previous 20 films and still have a basic grasp of what’s going on and have fun because everyone knows Captain America is the guy with the shield and Hulk smashes. But at the same time, the nerds will get the subtle callback references to events that happened in Iron Man 2 a decade ago. It’s fun for everyone. The Fox News universe needs to figure that out. God save us if they ever do.

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Either go to bed or rail some more coke old man.

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I’m wondering what I’m doing up at this hour…and I’m not the POTUS

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Nice. We have a president who is lobbying the supreme court to rule in favor of him so they can keep their power.


Here for a good time, not a long time.


Can someone translate the first half of this tweet for me?

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