The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

That is the case. It’s just 2 minutes out of every 15. I guess 4 minutes, actually 2 minutes per candidate.

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:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

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hahaha oh wow on rudy dropping the russian blackberry pic what a fucking moron

Wait so you’re name and avatar is meant to be… Trolling?

Is it Anachronistic again?

I’m not sure about that. I imagine Iranian hardliners can use Trump to box out their domestic opponents in a similar way to what Rs did in trying to make Obama look bad with the “He won’t say Islamic terrorism.” crap. They need an external enemy. The US fits the bill better than ever with Trump in charge.

The double negative was intentional.

Oh. Too clever for me. :flushed:

Why do they keep putting him on


Lol. But KEEEEED thinks this requires more investigation into the Biden’s. Lol.

Pretty sure he is the Sausage King of Skokie.

I assume it is free promotion for the network and that the hate watching is turning in good numbers for them.

You sheeple need to understand that Hunter once owned a portable computer. A portable computer that could possibly be placed on the top… of one’s lap. Let that sink in.


God in heaven everything is so perfectly stupid that I’ve learned to love it again.


I think we need to meme the deplorables at their own level:



i don’t think trmp would know who that is

If anything we should all commend Joe and Jill Biden for being prescient frontrunners of baby names by naming their kid something hugely unpopular in 1970 that is now the favorite name of every camo ballcap wearing fat guy who just had a kid.


Dear Mr. Collins,

I have been strongly informed by a pair of Wald’s (Green and Keed) that you are chasing the wrong story. It is imperative you investigate the baseless child torture story, or you are not a real journalist.


Concerned in Topeka

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40% chance Trump calls Claudia Ivanka.

I must have Keeeeeeed on mute or something. Is he really falling for this shit again.

And lol with something like 30% of the votes already cast they keep coming up with such transparently fake who the duck cares shite.

I think Joe needs to one time put Trump on blast about Hunter. Assuming Trump goes there.

I don’t think it would cost him anything to stand up, loudly and forcefully call out the fake specifics and walk off if fairly late tonight.