The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.
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we got several? nice, we rollinā€™!


Man, I donā€™t know, I get that 538 has him at greater than 99 percent to win, but could this be one of those one in a thousand events that switches the race?

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deplorables on my facebook really think theyā€™ve struck gold with ā€œWHEREā€™S HUNTERā€

They are more excited about this than they were about ACBā€™s blank notepad

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Canā€™t disagree - there is a huge wave of disease incoming.

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I give a dirty rating based on how many chips I can pick up by pressing on the top chip of a stack and seeing how many chips come with it when I pick it up. My room earned a 3 the last time I was there.


Dems should set up a SuperPAC called like Make America Patriotic Again, and run a bunch of ads that appear to be by Trump attacking Sasse. Take a soundbyte of Trump talking about Biden out of context too, and use that. Something like ā€œHow can you vote for this guy???ā€

Jeff ā€œThe Flakeā€ Flake

come on man thatā€™s just lazy


No it canā€™t

The nicknames are always lazy. Occasionally he just happens to land one.

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But could Sasse maybe flip and vote no on ACB? - Sasse, Romney, Collins and Murk. One time.


No, thatā€™s not going to happen. And Romney is voting for her as well. Honestly, I think sheā€™s going to pick up some D votes.

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Wrong account. You meant to be logged into @SweetSummerChild right?


Definitely not.

Sasse is definitely a true believer in the pre-Trump conservatism.

He may think Trump is an evil, dumbass, but ACB-type judges are his dream too. Voting no on ACB would be cutting off his nose to spite his face.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she gets Manchin (because he wants to), Jones (because he wants to protect his 10% equity or whatever), and Feinstein (because of her cognitive decline and already questionable positions).

Jeff (the) Flake is much better.

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