The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.
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Absolutley not

I would be surprised if there isnā€™t a third debate. Yā€™all think there wonā€™t be another at all?

Really? 2 hours later and Iā€™m the first to like this post?

I think him losing and having to walk away from the White House with his tail between his legs is the ONE thing that might destroy him.

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This doesnā€™t ring true. Trump definitely knows who Ben Roethlisberger is.

i absolutely cannot imagine him doing it without making faces the whole time and/or giving thumbs down and/or booing during it

Trump not attending the inauguration would be a massive favorite in a betting market.

I guess thereā€™s a chance heā€™s essentially forced to by Rā€™s or something but man.

Because donā€™t fucking invite him. He wants to break norms? (Well maybe heā€™s incapable of understanding norms.). Letā€™s break some norms. And none of that Kumbaya shit either, you know the president-elect visiting the Whitehorse and the president leaving a letter for him. And on a related subjectā€”I also am tired of hearing about the horrors of ā€œtalking about locking up your political opponent ā€œ. That should only apply when your political opponent isnā€™t a criminal.


He canā€™t. He has NPD. He needs to be the center of attention 100% of the time.

Would Trump attend Bidenā€™s inauguration? Assuming he isnā€™t still contesting the election at that point
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



Not being a nit, just got me curious. Last snow in SF was in 1976. Hereā€™s a pic from 1882:


no way, he doesnā€™t make public appearances where he is vulnerable. inauguration would bring a million people who hate him.

Besides, heā€™ll be too busy making off with the bedsheets en route to a non-extradition country.

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Iā€™d like to see Trump declare the election rigged and schedule a counter-inauguration at Mar-a-Lago, where he claims that he is still president as he continues to issue ā€œexecutive ordersā€ via Twitter.

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Joe Biden has run for President three times; 1988, 2008, 2020.


Duke is Pukeā„¢ļø