The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Meh. I think Trump had more to do with the lack of coverage than the media. Trump only plays the hits these days rather than ramping up the crazy. If he had the sense to keep generating new, more extreme material, it would be duly amplified.



More true than Trump cheering for the Ravens:

Trump doesn’t even know who the Steelers are.

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I now want a Trump cheers for Duke lawn sign


What the shit is a parking chair?


Is it possible Scavino wants him to lose? That tweet making fun of seniors is straight up seppuku.

Seniors are used to being made fun of, it’s the dying that pisses them off.

In Chicago you put a chair where you park on your street so when it snows people know that’s your spot.



Fuck, I just realized that even if Trump loses, he will be back in 4 years as the Republican nomination.

( twitter | raw text )

Two can play at this game!


Excellent! Ignore untalented haters!

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It’s a postmodern meta-commentary on the ubiquity of badly photoshopped celebrity heads onto random bodies. LDO


It was once said “There is no bigger love affair in DC then Joe Biden and the sound of his voice”.

I dont know who said it but its something that goes back to at least 08 and maybe before. I think Biden has ran for president something like three dozen times now. Hopefully he hasnt already used his one time.


I used to do that in SF with a road construction sign I stole. I tried to only use it when really needed. It worked for a few months.

One time it was late and there was nothing so I parked the perpendicular on a spot that was just as wide as the width of my car. I wasn’t blocking any driveways or sidewalks. I was pretty proud of my creativity. When I got back to my car at like 3am - some person in the top floor window of the closest house just started screaming obscenities at me. Dude had been sitting there for hours just waiting for me to show up.

My favorite SF moment is walking back drunk one night and spontaneously deciding to right a shopping cart on Jones and Bush - one of the steeper hills in the city. I literally said to myself - if I do’d it, I get a whuppin’. I dood it!

Gravity took its course and it was beautiful. It screamed down the street, then veered into a row of parked cars and flipped over them like Mary Lou Retton. Again someone started screaming at me. I had to sprint up two blocks of steep hill, then run home. I’ve never been so winded in my life. But it was worth it.


It snowed more than once in a decade in SF and you used it for multiple months? Or you just did that anytime?

Whenever I wanted to run out for a few hours and have a parking spot when I got back. No one “owns” a parking spot in SF. It never snows in SF.