The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I’m torn. As much as his stupidity is going to hurt him politically, I suspect he’ll have at least 10 potential super spreader events here in PA which sucks here locally.

Me in 2019: Yayy I’m going to have a swing state vote.

Me in early 2020: I will walk across broken glass to cast my swing state vote.

2020 in mid-late 2020: But will you ensure super spreader events and vote in person in a pandemic?

Me: Damn you 2020. Yes. But damn you.

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I mean these super spreader events are happening with those not taking precautions. As long as you are personally responsible and social distance, you should be fine. It’s not your fault 40% of America wants to see if Darwinism is real. :man_shrugging:

Like it’s pretty telling there hasn’t been an outbreak in the Democratic Party like there has been with Typhoid Donny.


Sure but they’re seeding community spread. It’s going to cause increased cases in schools, grocery stores, etc.

That’s the cost of doing business.

I’m aware, it sucks to see it in my state and have to worry about it.

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these assholes are going to overwhelm the hospitals and bankrupt them and themselves when their favorite judge of praise takes away the preexisting conditions protections.

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These rallies are a horrible idea. Not just from a health aspect, but from drumming up people to vote who are already not committed.

At best it boosts the turnout of his hardcore base slightly. It is not going to bring anyone else in. Biden literally just needs to play it low key and then we all just sweat the GOP Cheat machine.

Again, this is much different from 2016, where these rallies might draw people in with ancillary publicity. Plus I guarantee he averages at least 1.2 Hillary Clinton barbs per rally, unless he dies quickly.

Right, but that is out of our control. There’s nothing we can do about that.

How is it that there are people as simultaneously successful and idiotic as Scott Adams?

Everything I read from the guy just makes me cringe.

What got Trump here: the run game. It helped him beat an “elite” passing team in 2016.

Now, he may be down 17 points with 2 minutes to go, but that’s no time to roll out the passing game or run experimental plays. Hell, half his team has already been hauled off the field. Gotta run until the defense is worn out. Think like a champion.



everyone is far-removed from someplace. 99% of those in foreign affairs are advisors/consultants. it a useless label. i hope we can find plenty of people who would do better, but most will be his cohorts, perhaps more idealistic, at least until they actually touch the levers of power.

fwiw i can’t imagine a solution other than long form debate with bad faith opposition both foreign and domestic. in the meantime let state department professionals do what they can. should there be yemeni representatives in the discussion, yes absolutely. were they? i don’t know. could anyone reach meaningful deescalation with saudis, without opening another proxy conflict? i doubt it.

what i think is pretty rare is people with clear ideas about specific issues, which rhodes does on things like origins of far-right power just about everywhere (probably topic for a different thread but spoiler alert, it’s state funded by bad actors). can something be done about it by just understanding the causes? no, requires lots of political will and a big mandate to strongarm an adversary into good behavior. looking back from the future almost everything will look like a mistake


barr is sitting out the wolverines kidnapping news cycle. he was asked point blank if he knew of threats against the governor and he said no. that turned out to be either a lie or he doesn’t pay attention to domestic terror because he’s defending trmp from libel suits.

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What dirt are they releasing on Ivanka this week?

Jon McNaughton is the Rembrandt of Ben Garrisons.


Just worked on an update for 2020, but i’m not sure I got the safety signal right:


SA can only wage the war it’s waging on Yemen (which is in large part bombing and starving civilians) thanks to the weapons, training and operational support it gets from the US, the UK, France and others. Stopping them isn’t even a diplomatic question.


Here’s an early Garrison from circa 1835.