The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

What he’s really hinting at is mass arrest and incarceration, though it’s also likely to be a furious rage from a narcissist unaccustomed to public rejection.

Isn’t it? Or is it?

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I think we just found SweetSummerChild’s gimmick.


The person who will be refusing orders is a one or two star General on duty with US Strategic Command. The football isn’t a remote control, it’s a set of codes and verification equipment. Maybe also lists of potential targets.

Also, I’m in complete agreement with @SweetSummerChild.

I think about 2 or 3 days ago there was an announcement there was going to be a big press conference the next day about something yuuge. Can anyone give me cliffs on what happened? Was their one? What was it about?

Maybe it was 4 or 5 days ago. Something like that. My sense of time is shot to hell these days.


it was a couple days ago, it did happen, it was about a couple isis guys, i didn’t even look into it.

If something like that were to happen, I think it’s more like Trump gives Putin the OK to attack.

Trump having the launch codes was always one of the scarier parts of his presidency. God I hope in the coming years we can rethink the strategy of having hundreds of nuclear weapons armed and ready at all times.


Probably not any time soon given that the likely next president is still lying about his role in the Iraq War.

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His entire cabinet is just flailing wildly.

Disagree, as long as I’m not the one doing it. Adds spice.

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[Lots of words] because f u, that’s why.

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I can’t listen to either Florida Man or Rush Limbaugh for more than 30 seconds. Both of them together for 2 hours? Fuck alllllll of that.

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If the state legislature can just do it?

Why hasn’t it ever been done?

I don’t know the answer.


But we don’t do norms anymore.

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Yea maybe, but we have had one civil war already and this is a line they wouldnt cross?

No, it will be pre taped and the doctor wont be in studio. It’s a sham (shockingly)



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