The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.


ā€œLady Gā€ is just straightforwardly homophobic and sexist, right? Or am I misunderstanding something?


We did a whole thread on that.

Oh I guess the problem is solved then


Itā€™s what Lindseyā€™s paid companions call him. If thatā€™s a problem in 2020 America, I DGAF

( twitter | raw text )

I donā€™t see how what his companions call him is relevant? You obviously mean it in a different sense.

eta: do you disagree that itā€™s homophobic and sexist or do you disagree thatā€™s itā€™s wrong to use homophobic and sexist language in this context?



Iā€™ll admit I chuckled at OBiden.

I would vote for president O׳Biden


Does the cough not count as a symptom? I honestly donā€™t know if it does, but his DO said he was symptom free as of yesterday:



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This doc was handpicked by Ronny Jackson to replace him, his word is worth about as much as Trumpā€™s.

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I use it to make fun of him for being a massive fucking hypocrite. I obviously donā€™t care if hes gay or whatever but of course its fair to make fun of him for being a closeted gay man while being a loyal GOP soldier in 2020.

These arguments are stupid.


I know I shouldnā€™t be surprised but it is impressive that literally everyone left in the administration, no matter the ā€˜indepdenceā€™ or ā€˜non-political-nessā€™ of the role, is completely in the cult and will lie and undermine all possible legal and ethical obligations for Trump.

So is that the second one from my last post? Itā€™s fine to use a slur against a hypocrite?

It honestly makes me cringe every time so Iā€™m just trying to make sure Iā€™m not misunderstanding anyone.

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It isnā€™t a ā€œslur.ā€ It is what his paid escorts call him. The point of saying it is to draw attention to Lindsey Graham being a right-wing bigot while also paying men for sex.

Iā€™m out on this awful exchange.


I guess I understood you just fine. Yikes.

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symptom free just means ā€œfree from visible symptoms that cannot be adequately explained by something other than COVIDā€