The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.


I think some more WH military dudes are “quarantining” and likely Pozzed, sorry, all I’ve got

Chris Christie is still hospitalized and is still a fatass with asthma

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Willie Wilson, a Chicago businessman running a third-party challenge to Dick Durbin, has tested positive. He is running as the candidate of the Willie Wilson Party. He has offered to pay fines for churches breaking stay-at-home orders and has been endorse by the same Chicago Fraternal Order of Police that endorsed Trump. Also, he’s black.

Also, Les Miles and the #2 guy in the Marines.



You’re telling me the ex-Royal with the unofficial record for inside the park home runs got pozzed?

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It’s some goofball perennial candidate type from Chicago (gets around 10% running for mayor) who ran for president in 2016 as a Democrat but voted for Trump, which he claims he will never do again.

He was a blur on the basepaths. I think he got 6 inside the park home runs one year. So exciting. But he sucked ass in the post-season.

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Right now?

They don’t count they were losers and suckers.

I’m pretty sure he’s going to want to set up something where every American gets $10,000 if he is elected (or at least proclaimed the winner) in November.

OMG I just remembered the song that is the perfect representation of Donald Trump

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Every American? Nah.

The structure of the state and local tax deductions in the Trump tax cuts make it clear. Only Trump’s supporters will get goodies.

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Good point!


I thought some Daily Mail article had them out jogging Sunday or Monday.

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Oh good golly gee

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Seeing Bill Gates on Anderson Cooper via Skype right now just reminds me how Microsoft utterly failed to capitalize on that investment

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I’m just chillin watching TNF but not really interested so I’ll prolly swap over and let y’all know any insanity that comes up
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