The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

You old rascal lol

Well I still want to post my post despite you reflecting and revising your position :P

You gotta let people take a W and feel good about small victories and big victories along the way. Progress can be its own motivation such that the victories along the way keep us going in pursuit of something so grand we can only pursue it in principle. We know it will never be perfectly manifested in reality, no matter how much that might piss off Plato.

But you gotta let go of hyper-vigilant despair to make room for the other kind of experience. Do we want to feel so good that we rest on our laurels and wake up to realize the world burned? Well no, of course not, but it’s equally unhealthy to never allow yourself a second of joy or gratitude. To believe that you must be hyper-vigilant or the world will end.

That kind of thinking makes a lot of us feel energized and somehow safer. They say crisis is the cure for depression. It gives us focus and purpose, at least until we’re burned out and exhausted.

But that’s only one kind of thought to spring people into action. The other is to engage with these opportunities to acknowledge and relish what we learn and what we accomplish along the way.

Trump is taking an incredible beating and is still live to die before the election. There is nothing wrong with taking a moment or a day or the entire month to engage with this momentum and build upon it and deliver a landslide defeat like the GOP has never seen.

We’ve experienced so much numb despair in this forum. Let’s make way for something new.


The answer turned out to be “yes”.


We’ll let this one time go, next time you’ll be subjected to the same rules as everyone here, and welcome Btw. :+1:


I’m going to boof 2mg of xanax and eat a large pizza and large plate of chicken alfredo. Hope yo wake up in a democracy

( twitter | raw text )

Yo, someone go to the rolling stones thread and vote for Mothers Little Helper to break the tie, i need to close the round.

first vote either way that i see, i’m closing it.


Ok you smart politics guys have forced me to lower my expectations. I hope you’re happy. But can I at least have a passive-aggressive dig or two, like “Happy you could make it tonight, Mr. VP!”? Or maybe a little subtle name-calling? Even something really obscure but vicious like “See you next Tuesday!” that nobody but people who watched the c-word video would get would be nice.

We’re not happy until you’re not happy, that’s our motto.


Jeeeeeeeeesus. Apparently Joe is taking the high road so that checks notes the Obamas could deliver the body blows

Obama said the video was recorded before Trump announced his COVID-19 diagnosis and she considered not releasing it due to the “whirlwind” of events. However, she decided that “the drama” of the past few days has “only emphasized what’s at stake in this election, from the coronavirus to a constant drumbeat of fear, division, and chaos that’s threatening to spiral out of control.”

I love that the Daily Beast now refers to her simply as Obama. Barack, your time is done. The mantle has been passed.


Replying to the bot to tell the forum that Lester Holt said they invited Trump to do one before he was even sick, he never responded, and the invite still stands.

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@RiskyFlush :point_up_2:

Obama warned that “even reasonable people” are liable to fall for Trump’s nefarious tactics just weeks out from the election because he’s “really, really good at… using fear and confusion and spreading lies to win.” She then sent out an appeal to all undecided voters to think about Black and brown Americans before they cast their ballots in November or before.

“Put yourselves in our shoes for just a moment,” she said, apparently in a direct appeal to white Americans. “Imagine how it feels to wake up every day and do your best to uphold the values that this country claims to hold dear—truth, honor, decency—only to have those efforts met by scorn. Not only by your fellow citizens, but by a sitting president.”

“What would possibly compel you to accept this level of chaos, violence, and confusion under this president and be willing to watch our country continue to spiral out of control? Because we can no longer pretend that we don’t know exactly who or what this president stands for.”

Fuck man lol. Worth watching the whole thing.


Banned for 24 hrs



Smh dont do that to curserounder


The POTUS BOWL thread is going to be absolutely nuts on November 3. It’ll make this thread after Trump got COVID look tame.


I was referring to Lester


I’m glad you said this. I need to decide right now that there is no chance in hell I will be able to keep up with that thread on Nov 3. On the other hand, if you’re interested in what it will be like working at USPS on the same day…

maybe pony’d but