The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

How insane will Trumps Twitter feed be when he is unbanned?

He Is one of the most punchable people I have ever seen.


This will 1000% be the story among the majority of Repub supporters within a week if not now.

they’re on pace for like 125 or something

I want to be friends with both of these people. That is a powerful random interaction.


MSNBC says Hawley still objecting.

It will be fucking wild for one more tweet.


They already said if he rants on they’ll permaban him but I’m hoping for some epic screenshots in the small interim before the banhammer drops.


The woman who died trying to storm the House Chamber being a rabid public Q supporter will make that a little tougher.

Guy on Ingram Angle criticizing the excessive force of police and shooting the lady.

She’s suggesting that maybe the cop had a political agenda.

That’s the Antifa long con. They taught us that when I went to Antifa training school.


Nah fake news antifa controlled communist media pedophile reporting

Does Trump have a Parler yet?

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Vanity Fair has been total fanfic throughout the Presidency FWIW, I don’t believe a word they print.


The insurrectionists mostly seem to be hanging out in their hotel lobbies, seething, with police right outside ready to arrest anybody who tries to leave.


Him and Charlie Kirk are way up there on that list.

Laura Ingram didn’t seem to get the memo, pushing the the excessive police force angle.

Her guest, congressman an ex sheriff, is pushing the antifa line.

Shes definitely on the side of the stormers.

I thought they were the same person for a while

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I wonder how many people who did the treason earlier today and are playing CoD atm

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Would be hilarious if all the airlines banned them for their shenanigans on the way in, and they have to hitch their way back to bumfuck.