The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

It is with a heavy heart that I report Twitch has removed PogChamp. I have no Earthly fucking clue what that means, but they’ve done it, they’ve removed PogChamp. They seem real broke up about it, too. I wonder what PogChamp was.


I guess technically he was speaking during the Arizona portion of the challenge. His objection is about Pennsylvania, which he mentioned. I got a feeling he won’t actually be objecting to Pennsylvania and forcing another two hours of hearings.

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Trump’s Geocities page was just taken down


Saying trump ‘lost his mind’ is the biggest bullshit ever. He’s literally the exact same. He never hid any of this. He said he will do precisely what he did and he had way more deranged theories than rigged elections. This is a dude who’s only real passion in life is hating wind turbines.


8 year old daughter update -

Asked her at dinner if she knew what had happened today. Her verbatim response was

“Some trump supporters broke into the capitol and the police were just like ‘eh, whatever’.”



I thought once you spoke, you couldn’t speak again? That’s why I was asking if he was protesting.

(Garner wrote a book on legal writing with Scalia.)


Trump is dumb but all his kids take it to the next level and they are not near as good of con artists.

Pretty sure Hawley said he was squeezing in talking about PA “in lieu of” doing it later, so I got the impression he’s done with objecting.


The sons are duds for sure. In terms of like, the bloodline, Ivanka is the one to watch for. But even that’s worrying about a very narrow scope of possibilities. Trump’s progeny running is far less worrisome to me than Trump becoming immortalised as a political brand. He doesn’t even need to be alive to keep influencing politics if that happens.

Rmoney’s facemask imprints are not fucking around

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The best thing to do is tell voters the truth that Biden won and Trump lost, says Mitt


I thought something was wrong with Mitt’s right arm, because it didn’t move during his speech, but he’s just a wooden human (allegedly).

Ah, I see.

lol at media reporting all these people who are considering resigning

stop giving them credit for doing nothing

Lo fucking L hes promoting Alex Jones’ dumbfuck video site.

Good riddance pogchamp

Haha, wife asked me “What’s wrong with his right arm again?”

I don’t see him in friendster anymore.

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