The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

WTF I had no idea he was. That plus that other SS agent who got in trouble because she was saying it was treasonous to swear in Biden or whatever is fucking terrifying. WTF man. How the fuck do these people get into the SS? How the fuck do you not screen for being mentally unstable?

Or were these people normal before and the internet just legit broke their brains?

Officers were not “prepared whatsoever” to handle the mob that overwhelmed the Capitol and had no dedicated security briefing in advance, unlike with other major events, said the officer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution.
When officers were hit in the face with bear spray, they did not have the equipment or weapons to retaliate, he added.

“In my time as an officer, we have never failed so miserably than we did on that day,” the officer said. “We were failed by our management. . . . We were put in a situation to fail.”

He added: “It’s like trying to climb Mount Everest and they give you house slippers.”

The officer said that Sund “fell on the sword” and that the two sergeants-at-arms for Congress are at fault, along with Trump. Both sergeants-at-arms resigned last week.

“People said openly they were going to storm the Capitol, and [the officials] acted like it was nothing,” the officer said.

The officer also said he disagreed with the agency’s decision to suspend the officer who donned the cap, saying rioters put the hat on the officer and he kept it on to persuade several Trump supporters to help him extract officers who had been overwhelmed at the eastern front of the Capitol.

In videos online of the attack, a Black officer wearing a MAGA cap is seen asking several Trump supporters to help him reach officers swarmed by the mob at the entrance of the Capitol. “They’re scared,” the officer says. The Trump supporters help him move through a mob of people to reach several other officers in riot gear, who they then lead out of the mob.

The officer said he had spoken with the suspended officer and thought he took the actions he did to not “leave any man behind.”

“He used those two White guys, basically, used those Trump supporters to help get his people out of harm’s way,” the officer said. “If it wasn’t for them, those guys wouldn’t have gotten out. . . . People can say what they want, but he put that hat on to try to save his guys.”


I bet the kitchen staff will in no way defile this special request.


Probably military preference hiring for one. Clean record, no drugs or aryan tattoos, can run a mile, shoot a gun, welcome aboard.

“Are you a patriot?” “I sure am.”


From now on I’m going to assume the SS is just like the general public and about 40% love Trump and thats fucking terrifying.

I’m super against the surveillance state and I don’t want this to be used to make it worse against regular citizens, but I wouldn’t object to the NSA combing through all the communications of Secret service officers and purging them of any hardcore Trump supporters.

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This was kinda my reaction, but I’d have to see the full context. I’d imagine there will be a review. Same with selfie guy. If i had 30 marauders around me i might dance a jig with them (though I’m not a cop).


Yes, but I’m sure it will be organic.


WTF is up with the house seargant at arms? Who chooses him/chose him?

Remember when we were talking about them arresting Republicans/Trump stooges? LMAO


General public who joined military instead of going to college perhaps.

Not going to click on the article… Is this deputy getting fired or getting a promotion?


Yeah, and there is video of them getting offered to wear masks and just laughing about it while declining. I wish they could be charged for attempted murder

Hadn’t seen this video yet lol^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1347678285837135873|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

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Yeah it looks like i got that wrong too. Figured they would hate trump, being so close to him how could you not.

What in the fuck? This has to be onion. Even in 2021 this has to be onion. I need to be thinking about what my strict diet for religious reasons is, in case I ever get arrested.



Some MAGA idiot just posted 23 minutes of footage on Youtube. Man these people are stupid. Warning: There’s at least one dead dude in here early on, I’m pretty sure it’s the guy who supposedly tased his nuts off, but it looks like he just had a heart attack in the crowd.


Some bedtime listening.



Crazy video, shows the breach of the gates well. Antifa was really out of control.