The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

McCarthy will probably fake news deny the report himself.

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No emergency presidential text whines yet


OH NO! Must be a secret approved list of Patriots only. WAAF indeed.

watching the video, i almost feel bad for him.

i mean, i don’t. at all.

but i can see being caught up in the moment and chucking the fire extinguisher from 25 feet away and whatever… obv issue isn’t WTF do you have a fire extinguisher for?

i wonder what he’s thinking right now. wow.

one more time, he’s a murderer that better catch life and the cop’s family is more important than him. i’m just sort of transfixed by the video and thinking about how never in a million years did he expect the outcome that’s coming for him…


Guaranteed the guy spent every day fantasizing about murdering people


It’s going to be unbearably infuriating to see all the right wing assholes scream “day one and Biden is already ruining the country! Using the military to police citizens like Communist China! You never saw military in the streets during the trump presidency! Biden is starting a war with America!” Etc etc when the only reason a massive amount of troops are needed is because of trumps domestics terrorist thugs.


he probably did. fuck ‘em.

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Can’t wait to see Donald’s tweetstorm about it. Oh wait…


The price is wrong, bitch!


Say it publicly or it did not happen.

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So we’re 60 plus people lying bout hearing tests on their tvs or radios or where they talking in code?

Someone posted about how the nutters all expect it to happen because there’s NO WAY trump lost


Wait wat? It was the fire fighter with the fire extinguisher?

That locks it. We are in the simulation.


Some good info in here, but absolutely nuts that the only info we have is from random lawmakers. How has there not been a single briefing?

I am exhausted man. Saw all of this coming and sounded the alarm to everyone close to me 4 god damn years ago and even now I’m seen as a crazy person.


I remember seeing someone interviewed this summer about the election on a cable tv show. The person knew Trump and/previously worked with Trump in New York City. He predicted that if Trump lost the election that Trump would not leave office. (We all had heard that before.) He further predicted that if Trump lost the election he would have it overturned by skulduggery (he was shy on specifics). Finally he predicted that in the event that the skulduggery was not successful Trump would orchestrate a civil way.

The host of the show basically said sure buddy. We are used to hearing hyperbole when it comes to Trump (on both sides). No, no, the guest said. I am not speaking hyperbolically. I am speaking literally. A literal Civil War.

That’s when I began to get worried.


EDIT: The guy mentioned here does not appear to be responsible for throwing the fire extinguisher. I deleted his last name.

Remember, these people don’t give a shit. Dude was 63, had a pension for life already pulling in 90k and going up every year. His brother had been a federal special agent, oh and here’s the kicker:

Cynthia and David’s 25-year-old son is a Chicago police officer, assigned to patrol the streets of Englewood. “I watch him every day, leave for work, praying he’ll be home in the morning,” Cynthia said.

Hope he never runs into his dad.


Try calling 'em a dick and see what happens.

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Yeah. This is one that feels real personal.

I think having all the free time in the world while still pretty young is also a part of the problem. If these guys don’t have any hobbies or worthwhile pursuits - pretty easy to get sucked into the internet vortex.