The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

What something else would lead him to support it lol

Why? Shouldn’t she have ordered a MUCH bigger police presence? The mayor is in charge of the police force, so wtf?

What did she say?

Lol I literally bought Trump to self pardon on PI minutes before this dropped.

She’s in charge of the DC police who have no jurisdiction over the Capitol. That’s Federal.


I’m going to guess that the something else will probably have to be Lindsay up on the platform with a noose about to go around his neck - “Somebody invoke the 25th! Quick!”.


Of course but wasn’t the protest first started on DC grounds? Or was the whole thing the capital?

I’m not 100% sure tbh.

yea no one is sure really

He’s not getting removed. Chao wouldn’t have resigned if they had the votes for the 25th and they’re not even close to having the votes in the Senate.

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If he starts nuclear war, then maybe lindsey gets on board, maybe

I know in WA state the capitol grounds (and a couple of parks around it) are under WA State Patrol (trooper) jurisdiction, even though it resides in the city of Olympia. The buildings on the capitol grounds go through city of Olympia building permit department when we do any work on them.

Maybe let DC have federal representation if Congress wants them to come in and help out the Capitol Police.


Depends on which country we go to war with, I suppose.


Mayor of DC and DC police have no jurisdiction over this. DC police can help, but only if asked.

90%+ chance that a foreign war is something they would rally around, not block. Nothing beings Americans together like bombing the shit out of Agrabah or wherever.

Unstuck: “Nah, let’s wait and see if anything else happens. Wouldn’t want to do anything rash, you know.”

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Maybe this was the plan all along.


He doesn’t want to get taken in both drafts imo.


I repeat again. I want this motherfucker to live as long as possible. I hear his cancer is really fucking painful.