The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

True for most of them but it would have only taken 1% (~10 people) of those storming the Capitol to turn this into a massacre.

Drawing on my West Wing TV knowledge here, so it’s been a while, but I think the VP’s office is in a different building, no?

I think your numbers are wrong?

Damn it that’s out of my price range already.

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You’re right. I changed the percentage to 1%. The point still stands. You only have to find 10 determined people to have a really bad outcome.

Yes. There not being 10 among them goes to show what these people are actually like, which Americans should find reassuring.

This was supposed to be their big moment when they seize control for their Dear Leader, and each and every one of them bottled it lol.

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Trump rallies and events like this are basically just comic con for rural uneducated shitheads. It’s mostly cosplay with some true believers.

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Watched the video of the woman getting shot. No way that should have happened.

Not gonma blame the guy who pulled the trigger. Just everyone in the police chain of command who led that incompetent crowd control.


I dont know how many people went into the the capital building but i would guess there were more than ten who were ready for kidnappings. And the rest would of stood by watching. The only reason it did not happen is they got them out in time.

Its easy to say it was all cosplay but im not so sure it would of been if they broke into the chamber when the members were in there.

Being super confident that this was all cosplay is kinda lol


I don’t think they had much chance capturing representatives. There were enough guns showing when they got evacuated. There would be a lot more deaths amongst the people trying to get close to them though.

Its not really whether they could of but what would of happened if they did.

By the way, fuck Dubya for the statement he released. He set the precedent for destroying democracy by actually getting the courts to stop the count.

These GOP pricks are using the current situation to whitewash their own dirty past and most people are letting them get away with it.


Also quite ahistorical. You could also argue that the Boston Tea Party was just some guys cosplaying Mohawk.Look how that turned out.

This is how revolutions start. There may need to be some organizing force/ group to make it successful, but the revolution itself is chaotic - from the Boston Tea Party to Euromaidan.


(The domino effect meme but it’s “A Cossack winking” leading to “The Holodomor”)


It saddening how normally rational Democrats are buying into the condemnations by Republicans. Like they think there are good Republican politicians fighting the good fight or something like that.

They don’t notice the police allowing the terrorists into the capitol or taking selfies with them. They want to believe that the police are the good guys fighting against this. The reality is that the police’s actions provided implicit consent for this attempted insurrection.

I understand why people don’t want to believe it though. I mean if you realize that this is a systemic problem integrated into law enforcement culture rather than a few bad apples acting outside of it, then how can one hope to change these things?


Incredible amount of both sidesing going on at the ole fire station the last 18 hours or so, yltsi. Haven’t heard but really it’s antifa yet but I’m sure they’ll be on it by next day. 40% of America is going to be perfectly fine with what happened yesterday.


If my worldview was that police officers should all be unarmed, I would still think this is a good shoot. This isn’t even a law enforcement issue. If that had been an armed congressman this would have been a good shoot. If that had been the guy who cleaned the floors or worked in the cafeteria who somehow picked up a gun, this would have been a good shoot. She was part of an armed force of invaders who’s stated purpose was to depose the fucking government and she invaded the power center of the US government while the government was at the task of a peaceful transfer of power to effectuate that goal. Shooting her was no less of a bad shoot then if someone had shot one of the terrorists on one of the airplanes on 9/11.

Do you still think it’s a bad shoot if this happenned at the Pentagon instead of the Capitol? If not, why not?


Yeah this. I’m sorry, the failure of law enforcement today wasn’t that one guy shot at the invading revolutionary force. The failure of law enforcement was that nobody else shot at the rest.


That video isn’t the police letting them in. That is the police getting overwhelmed. Now the fact that they had such piss-poor numbers there is still a huge indictment of law enforcement given that they knew this was coming.

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