I really hope the cops have a plan.
LOL this fucking jackass, who is this asshole
This is already delivering so hard
This is amazing. Some loud redneck concern trolling and getting rinsed by a section eighteen dash two.
Ooh man I’m loving this
Shit Show Here We Go
what are you talking about? in congress or what? i just pulled up msnbc but nothing
Treat them like they’re black?
ugh wake me up for Georgia
Yeah. GOP is already objecting to nonsense. Making pence’s job as difficult as possible
man this is GREAT
CNN bro
Should I watch racists get maced or Pence get humiliated. The options are endless.
MAGA guy on floor covered in blood on live stream
Naw at the trump rally, status coup has a twitch stream and cops just started firing pepper bullets at trump supporters
Holy shit MAGA guys jumped a cop and literally nothing happened to them lolololol