The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

Set up an AOC, Hillary Clinton and Obama bot over there. Oh and that girl that always talks about climate change. Greta or whatever her name is.


start screaming about free speech and censorship and how donald trump is YOUR president


Source in this number?

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This is what I find abhorrent about it, he should be removed from ALL responsibilities after this, refusing to in a once in a lifetime chance to actually hear the Presidentā€™s words for words and he wants it banned, WT ACTUAL FUCK?

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I actually donā€™t think he was trolling. I think he was so full of cognitive dissonance he had to revert to his echo chamber for comfortable lies. He then, emboldened, shared them, thinking somehow they would be as persuasive to me as they were to him.

He can troll but his style wouldnā€™t be to do that over a text, he would want to do it over the phone at least to be able to see a reaction

Whatever helps you sleep at night bro :smiley:

even the most hardcore right wingers i know wince when talking about the twitter feed. i think ā€œwhiny nutjobā€ would be a good line of attack for the dems to take up but they probably would see that as going low

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At least heā€™s showing some anger, I think a lot of average folks in this country want to see that - itā€™s what drew a lot of people to Trump and Bernie. It makes it feel less like lip service and more like you actually give a damn.

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Iā€™ve never seen a political party so devoid of the Limbo in my lifeā€¦

Same reasons why people be running to piers Morgans show now in the UK, the most hated person in left wing politics by a country mile in recent years.

Ffs he hacked a murdered girls parents phone for information.

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I usually defend well named to a certain extent or at least e tend some empathy but lol that he thinks the presidents constant barrage of idiocy is not useful in the thread titled ā€œTrumpā€. What if someone just pasted them in there manually?

I would do it but vbulletin sucks and I just got a manicure. (Did not really)

It is impossible to defend and support trump in the middle of the unending bullshit he spouts every day.

They just like to bury thei4 head in the sand and Say ā€œlol liberals.ā€œ It is not terribly surprising. You have to be epically ignorant to even get there. In another thread two of the both sidesers are pushing hard that the daily mail and nut job YouTube videos with 20 subscribers are vastly superior sources of information than say the Washington post. This isnā€™t even supporting the Post. It is just people who donā€™t want to be ignorant know how to take in and filter information from a wide variety of sources.

Anyways back to well named, lol. Is he afraid TPTB will get mad that the nonsense the president they support, without question,is pushed in the face of the people again?

I take an oath right now that I will read every tweet Joe Biden makes while President because it is important to be informed on what the president is saying. If you are debating issues on a political discussion forum about the president and you never Have read their tweets you should instantly fail.

I know some people here have stopped reading trump tweets, and that is fine. Most people here have sludged through a significant number at one time or another. People who are supporting and defending Trump who have never regularly read what he tweets should be kicked in the nuts. (Sorry to any women who support trump, you should also be kicked in the nuts).

4 Likes obv

No, this is all info collected by the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.

Now donā€™t @ me but I did not personally review the records from the PCLOB, just looked at the work of the people who report on it.


The number of unmasking requests began being released to the public in response to recommendations in 2014 from the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.

There were 9,217 unmasking requests in the 12-month period between September 2015 and August 2016, the first period in which numbers are publicly available. The period was during the latter years of the Obama administration.

The number rose during the Trump administration. The 9,529 requests in 2017 grew to 16,721 in 2018 and 10,012 last year.


LMAO canā€™t give a real life unifying speech, so he has to have someone drop his face into a movie clip. What a fucking clown.


Does trump think India should pay three times as much as us?

Should Indonesia pay 85% of what we pay?

I thought we had the greatest economy in the world? Why would we not want to show off and pay the most?

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They absolutely claim it is just trump trolling the liberals.

Which of course is really funny when thousands of Americans are dying every day.

I hadnā€™t looked at P&S on 2p2 in ages. Holy shit itā€™s a fucking dumpster fire. I was on 2p2 for a decade and have no idea who this Joedumbfuck character is, but why engage him? Seems about as bright and as interested in good faith arguments as Wirelessbro.

Setting up the Trumpbot in the thread and watching those bootlickers cry is some A+ trolling. Anyone that voted for him should have every tweet he makes force pushed to their device. Fuck them.


Anybody watch the Obama speech?

I watched both. They were short and good with very brief and oblique references to trump. They would likely piss you off but they just made me miss him so much.

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I love Obama the person and am deeply frustrated by Obama the politician. To this day I donā€™t understand how someone that intelligent could continue negotiating in good faith with the GOP for 8 fucking years.


This is excellent. Sober, fact-driven, devastating.


Cool Twitter thread about what a piece of shit Obama actually was