The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

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Nice that nice

To be fair, if Trump tried this shit back in the day heā€™d be challenged to duals on a weekly basis.


Really forgetting the most obvious one


Simpler times and I have no idea how long ago this was, feels like ages

I just checked because i couldnā€™t remember either, it was January 14th, 2019.

so actually the ā€œpeakā€ of his first term, in some way. :smiley:

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ā€œI am firing you in 30 days dude who I donā€™t know, in the meantime donā€™t come to work or do anything or elseā€.

He is above the law. This Iā€™d not even at question any longer. He got elected so he can do whatever he wants.

Now that last president, we got to straighten him out. He is below the law, like any democratic president.

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To be fair the bad economy you created is much better at being bad than the good economy was at being good.

Ask the Narrator if the next Dem POTUS is going to investigate Trump.

I keep re-reading this, trying to figure out how Iā€™d react if I had read this on January 20, 2017. Like, I think I would have absolutely flipped the fuck out. Weā€™ve been slowly boiling for so long, this just feels totally normal.


Iā€™ll do you one better. They could just all say that the most disgusting thing theyā€™ve seen is MAGA people wearing Trump masks, and that in a decent society theyā€™d be banned.

No lies to your own people, itā€™ll make them all proudly wear their MAGA masks. Downside is Trumpā€™s campaign makes a bunch of money selling them masks, but fuck it, heā€™s going to make money selling them stupid shit anyway.

In terms of stability, I think youā€™ll have enough of it in California, for example. I was thinking quite a bit about this yesterday, and Iā€™m starting to believe that when the time comes, California will have no trouble with a Calexit, there will be no civil war over that. Rank and file Republicans outside of California hate California and would bid it good riddance. Republican politicians would looooooooove to see California go. Good luck to Democratic presidential candidates without those 55 electoral votes. If you expelled California right now, the GOP would have the House. Take away two Dem senators, as well.

Itā€™ll hurt them economically, but the wealthy may not even care that much - their financial interests will cross those borders.

The problem comes when New England and Illinois are like, ā€œYo, WTF, we live in full-fledged Trumpistan now as a permanent minority.ā€ I think when New England wants out, the GOP realizes that their economy is going to be fucked if they let it happen. At that point theyā€™d have full control of the government and probably refuse to allow it, and thatā€™s when shit gets REALLY unstable.

My thought is that if we get to that point (Calexit), Iā€™m moving to California within a year. It would be the sixth biggest economy in the world, immediately become one of the top 5-10 Democracies, great weather in SoCal, beautiful place to live, and imagine what it could do without funneling money to the federal government to subsidize the Kentuckyā€™s and Alabamaā€™s of the world. Iā€™d feel safer there with the upcoming instability, too.

All that said, weā€™re not drawing dead to fading some of the really bad outcomes here and/or slowing it down and basically freezing the situation for 5-10 years - which sucks in a lot of ways, but beats Trump installing the Fourth Reich. Thereā€™s still a significant chance Biden wins, and we have some AOC 2024 or 2028 equity. Itā€™s important to remember that once we lose some of the Boomers and millennials start voting, this country is going to take a major left-ward shift.

I think in 15 years weā€™re either living in a flourishing social democracy, or the country is in the process of splitting apart. If we manage to hold onto democracy 10-15 years, Arizona is going to be blue and Texas is going to be purple at least (if we fade lots of cheating).


We donā€™t need 'em, cause our herd immunity strategy is just let everyone fucking die. No vents required for that!


Clearly, they have not been paying attention to the whims of the American voters.


Imagine if you saw this on January 20, 2017 and it was dated 5/16/20, but you were given no other information. What the fuck would you even think? Weā€™d probably have assumed the girl was making light of how disgusting Trump is, and Trump was too stupid to realize it, right?