The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

Ginsberg: about this harassment nonsense, what keeps congress from abusing this power for political reasons? (Smart question as the next GOP congress / Dem president will create BENGHAZIIIII x 10000)

Lawyer: court can stop harassment, you know it when you see it

Im tapping out of this thread. Just after day of Gas lighting

Then go to wife’s family’s pages

It’s plademic video and Obama gate

I give up


I can’t tell who is talking but the guy is an enormous jerk. Maybe Alito?

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yea i think its alito

Sotomayor: here are some examples of unacceptable subpoenas - college transcripts, medical records. Im trying to help you dumbass lawyer, there are limits to congressional subpoena power. You listening, Sam?

Bailed on scotus. An hour is enough. I love the Congress lawyer: my opponent must not be reading or must be misinterpreting = he’s fucking lying your honor, here are the receipts, on page the whole has approved these specific subpoenaes…

(How come when I want plural the spell check changes s to d and when I want past tense it changes d to s??? FU STEVE jobs.

Kagan: idiot government lawyer said this undermines the president’s ability to do his job. That’s BS, right?

Lawyer: justice department didnt say that in their brief, only now, and its a really stupid argument because the president doesnt have to do anything here, his accounting firm does

the 2nd case should be lol trumps lawyer completely right? His only argument is you can’t investigate a sitting president right?

Any Rs going allin for Trump at the senate hearings or are they playing it straight?

Kavanaugh: good morning, I’m still punchable. How do we deal with Congress issuing subpoenas whenever they want? Could be “open season.” This “pertinent to a legislative purpose” standard doesn’t work because its functionally unlimited. Why not employ “demonstrably critical” standard?

Lawyer: great question! Can’t do “demonstrably critical” standard because you violate separation of powers. Congress investigates before they draft legislation, so that standard is impossible. Thanks for pointing that out earlier, Ruth.


You guys need to pop into the Daniel Dale/Aaron Rupar bot thread. Fauci dropping truth bombs. Will be shocked if he isn’t fired.


Narrator. It was 5/4 for trump.

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The more I listen, Kavanaugh and Alito are probably lost causes. Can’t tell on Gorsuch, Thomas or Roberts.

Their pre-textual reason for voting for Daddy will be that there is no limiting principle preventing abusive use of subpoena power.

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Since when did Thomas become a chatty Kathy? I think he asked some questions last week too.

I agree which is so dumb given that the very existence of the ability for congress to subpoena has that built in risk. By the same standard congress shouldn’t be able to subpoena for anything due to the chance for abuse.

What about if a president proposes cutting all medical research funding to everything except skin cancer research. Would congress be out of line to subpoena his medical records to see if he has skin cancer?

Thomas? Oh, he’s just shy. Doesn’t like to ask questions in front of an audience. Feels more comfortable on zoom!

Next case!

Roberts: even you admit grand juries can investigate Presidents. Why aren’t you arguing an investigation isn’t allowed?

Lawyer: Wow, that’s even more batshit crazy than what I was going to argue, but ok!

Trump isn’t handing anything over. They want Mazers to hand it over. And Mazers has said they will. Trump is only one client.

Thomas: lets talk about the founders. Did they say anything about immunity?

Lawyer: some nonsense about Thomas Jefferson, lol originalism