I still don’t get the food thing. Are Americans just becoming much less obese during the pandemic? If so that is a great side effect as collectively we are way too overweight.
If not, why would food consumption be that much less. That of people who eat out end up throwing a ridiculous amount of food away. (Which I find easy to believe).
There are also different supply chains and different products. Some dairy processors only make individually boxed cartons for school lunches and can’t easily change manufacturing lines to make gallon jugs for grocery stores. Some farmers only grow potatoes that get turned into McDonalds fries. People may still want meat, but now they’re trying to buy cheap ground beef instead of an aged steak.
Which one specificly, I wonder?The quick tests are less accurate. He’s fucked up testing so badly it would at least be mildly ironic if Trump or his minions get got by the high false negative rate of a test they thought would protect them.
Trump has a plan where the government buys food and distributes it to the poor? Why is it so many of his schemes to stay in office seem vaguely socialist?
Had me reminiscing yesterday. When I was in college I dated a girl from New Zealand seriously for several years. It ultimately did not work out because I was very close to my family here and she was very close to her family there.
I was not thinking “Oh she was the one who got away.” I was thinking dang, I should have married her and moved to New Zealand and then I would be sitting pretty right now for a multitude of reasons.
But we are months into this now. If the food supply can’t redirect a supply chain in four months and instead just has to destroy the food, something is wrong.
Having lived in NZ for a year I’d say that it’s one of the best places to go for 2 weeks to 9 months, but by the end you just feel that it’s too small and isolated. You probably did well.
It’s obviously wrong but also completely predictable given the uncertainty of the virus and failed leadership from the government. Without better insight into the future I think a lot of these companies just haven’t figured out what changes are going to be temporary and which ones will be permanent. In the meantime, they’re stuck like Lucy at the conveyor belt and the chocolate just keeps rolling.