The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

First of all the Pulitzer is undeniably the “Nobel” of journalism which Trump obviously knows so he’s just using clever wordplay to make his astute point.

Furthermore, the deliberate misspelling of “Noble” is an additional layer of clever wordplay that has gone over all of your heads. Trump has the best words, and this was obviously a nuanced commentary on the fact that Pulitzer winners always start to act bratty and entitled, as if they’re royalty, or NOBILITY. Get it?

(Jennifer Jason Leigh in the Hudsucker Proxy: “I’ll stake my PYOO-litzer on it!!”)


I think the Congolese Gynecologist is who he was referring to.

He is in obvious cognitive decline. And he was stupid to begin with.

But seriously, go watch the debate tapes. He’s deteriorated massively.

The link worked. Not sure if you can embed time specific YouTubes.

Every time I read a Trump tweet in which he’s bitching about how nobody understands how much he is working, I think of this:


We talking about MeLoveYouLongTime? She’s like the queen of phonetic spelling for anything over 6 letters. I think she’s one of those “you know which word I meant, so who cares” people.

The thing is compared to the “work” he was doing when he was just a “billionaire real estate mogul” he probably is working absolutely flat out. Like if he has to do 1 hours work a day to prevent the country falling into the ocean that’s 59 minutes and 59 seconds more than the daily work he was doing before when he was a superman jerb creator.


He’s not a billionaire and he’s not a real estate mogul. He’s a trust fund baby on steroids. He’s also one of the biggest business fish alive.


phonetic spelling can be endearing if you’re a nice person and take it in stride and with confidence.

One of my favorite posts on the internet was some dude made a post about how he loved making minute rice and it was a long detailed post, but he spelled it minute rise. I was high as hell trying to figure out wtf minute rise was until it hit me and I died laughing.

He was a good egg. Being too elitist about spelling and grammar can be gross, not everyone grew up privileged with a good education. what matters is if you’re a good egg or bad egg.


I assumed the quotation marks were implied.

Autocorrect is a lib tool to control minds


Someone collected all of Trump’s dumbest quotes and wow lol

Asked if nukes could stop a hurricane

Suggested ‘raking leaves’ prevents forest fires

Suggested “windmills”(turbines) cause cancer.

Said Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax

Was a prolific anti-vaxxer

Fueled a racist conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Kenya

Said he would run into a school unarmed to stop a school shooting

Proposed an “alligator moat” at the border

Stared directly at a solar eclipse

Tried to buy Greenland

Directed the EPA to investigate toilets

Threatened to deny emergency funding for deadly California wildfires, despite the majority of fires being on federal land

Autographed bibles during a visit to a disaster zone.

Posted a photoshopped photo of his head over Greta Thunberg’s Time magazine cover because he was jealous of a teenager

Claimed (without evidence) 3-5 million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote.

Extended a hurricane forecast with a sharpie because he couldn’t admit he made a mistake on Twitter

Some quotes for good measure:

“Women, you have to treat them like shit.”

“Nobody respects women more than I do.”

“Nobody loves the bible more than me.”

“I’m the least racist person you’ll find anywhere in the world.”

“There’s nobody that’s done so much for equality as I have”

“Nobody’s ever been more successful than me.”

“There’s nobody bigger or better at the military than I am.”

“Nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump.”

“Nobody knows more about trade than me”

“Nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world.”

“I know more about renewables than any human being on earth.”

“I know tech better than anyone”

“This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.”

“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault”

“I’m very highly educated. I know words; I have the best words.”

“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart”

“I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius…and a very stable genius at that!”

“I am the chosen one.”

“I think I’m much more humble than you would understand.”

And more

There’s also Trump suggesting that he would “take out the families” of ISIS fighters if elected President.

Then as president, Trump actually asked the CIA to kill the families of drone targets.

Then, like a child who takes absolutely no responsibility for anything, he lied his ass off in an interview and denied having said or done any of this.


He also posed with a baby orphaned in a mass shooting by giving a stupid grin and a thumbs up.

Oh, and he tastelessly threw paper towels at hurricane victims in Puerto RicoAfter learning that it was an islandThat he was the president of.

Also can’t forget that time he thought the F35 was literally an invisible jet


It doesn’t work with the shortened URL you get from the Share button.


I have a toddler and an aunt who has narcissistic personality disorder as well as borderline personality and somehow Trump is like an amalgamation of their worst qualities.


MLYLT and Nimadamus kept me at twoplustwo longer than I probably would have otherwise. Nima deserves ad revenue.

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Encourage them to come over here, then.

You’re the best of eggs and have made me rethink many of my positions from a stance morality and doing the right thing. Things that are hard to think about and accept, and I believe have made me a better person.

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LMAO. I was mostly kidding about Nima deserving ad revenue. He always bitched that he deserved it because of jmakin’s 100k post thread. Not sure if their style of trainwreck is right for this site. I kept going back for more though.