The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

That was all the God crap.

I think he said their pain is our pain

Slurp trumps knob by pence interlude

Pence verifies 3.5 million tests done up to 5 million by end of month. This is nowhere close to enough.

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Pence trump fellatio over now to dr birx

Imagine bragging about testing 1% of the population

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Get out of the way of the tv screen you bloated ogre

What are these morons talking about. We are going to have near record confirmed cases/deaths again today.

That scarf doesn’t work for me.


If red states open up they’re literally going to kill their base.


It is. Most of what they’ve likely planned out is which metrics to point to and take credit for, and who to blame for the inevitable increases in infections and deaths.

Seems like this is the easiest pandemic ever. Fed government did basically nothing and we whooped this things ass in like a month and a half.

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I get why they wouldn’t want to mention large sporting events and concerts. But it seems weird how they didn’t mention stuff like hair/nail salons and retails stores. Massage parlors seem especially bad.

There is also no possible way he ever sees the speeches before he reads them. He reads like a 4-year old, word to word. His brain does not anticipate what might be coming in a sentence. Each word is as new as the last and he has no clue as to what to do at the end of a line. Does not foresee punctuation. Just reads straight through, word word word word, no inflection unless he goes off-script.


None of them acknowledge that we are literally at the peak right now. Instead the worst is behind us like a hurricane that has passed.

It’s an absurd presentation.

This plan is non-specific garbage hacked apart into “phases” with no clear dates, infection rates or #s to guide it

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lol Fauci apologists

dude is a gutless fraud


Yup. Do these fucking morons not realize places that havent had much of an outbreak yet are more fertile ground to get wiped out in future waves than NYC for example? This whole well lots of places don’t have many cases so it’s safe to go back to normal shit is so dumb. It hasn’t happened there YET.


It worked??? As in the past tense??? We are printing a 9/11 death toll a day you midget fuck.

“Large areas of the country where this has not been or where it has been totally eradicated” referring to bringing back packed arenas.

They are so delusional.

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