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Please define this and then offer terms for a wager
Adios is stupid ikestoys.
“He fiddles while Americans die” is a nice touch.
AHAHA the president of the united states literally did “what’re you gonna do gotta lose that money.” I think my brain is broken. If you guys are all truman show-ing me to see how I’ll react to this weird shit you have to tell me. It’s like being an undercover cop.
I watched the Truman Show yesterday and the thought crossed my mind that I was being Truman showed given how insane the world is lately.
I like that flatline ekg sound at the end
FAKE NEWS!. Airlines are good 'ole American corporations. Puerto Rico just a bunch of brown people.
Happy Jesus death day!
Happy Good Friday.
That pretty much tells you all you need to know about the guy.
Hopefully someone asks him what Good Friday is a remembrance of.
We are all going to die but at least the ratings are great!
He did the same thing when he wished everybody a happy 9/11.
Reality is that religion is meaningless to conservatives and deplorables as nothing more than a cover for bigotry.