The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

The Deep State Liberals don’t want you to shake hands! How unAmerican is that? First they want your burgers, then they want your cars and airplanes, now they want your handshakes??? Geez, how long before they start telling you what you can and can’t do in the bedroom??? If you want to make beautiful love to your wives, you have to VOTE FOR TRUMP!!! #MAGA #KAGA


When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab em by the pugsy.


Trump capitalizing on the crisis to get more brown people killed.

You better believe they’re going to use the virus to justify continuing this indefinitely while he re-opens the country and proclaims it safe and sound.

Maybe there’s a bit to this. Italy is one of the more touchy feely cultures out there. I remember reading a study a while ago, but don’t remember the specifics, but it showed that in like a 15 minute convo among males, 2 Americans averaged like 3 moments of physical contact compared to ~50 for latinos and Euros.

USA had a ton of factors in its favor: less dense cities, a bit of a headstart in terms of the spread, less physical contact, very little public transport, etc. But all those factors were basically offset by the moron-in-chief so we’ll still probably be faced w/Italy #s or worse.

I dunno, man. There has to still be a place for handshakes. Like how else am I gonna get to see limp-wristed weaklings out-muscled by an 85 year old countess?



When this administration started it was taken as a given that firing Attorney General A in order in install political hack Attorney General B was slam dunk impeachment and removal from office. It was also taken as a given that interfering in any justice department investigations was slam dunk impeachment and removal from office. Remember this if and when you have thoughts that the GOP “can’t” functionally end democracy by rigging the 2020 election.


I’ve been to a fair few client meetings as generic tech guy and every now and then I get the “firm handshake guy” it’s not impressive its really pathetic. I just think you actually spent time thinking about and probably practicing a fucking handshake you weirdo. That is pure low key psycho shit imo.


give a firm handshake, it’s normal. Don’t go over the top, don’t grab people by the fingers either. The finger grabbing handshakers should be executed

fistbumps are super chill

(from 2013)

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Keep going? I though we were all going back to work in a couple weeks? The fact Trump and by association all the media outlets keep citing this broken and obviously flawed IMHE model is tilting the fuck out of me.

Completely unexpected ending. Thought for sure he’d say it was because of his swift action closing the border to the Chinese, or that the virus was never really as bad as the flu in the first place.


So they are trying to blackmail cnn. Don’t fall for it cnn. You don’t need their hamstrung health experts.




There was a coordinated effort to stop shaking hands at the World Series like 10 years ago

And it was because everyone was getting sick from the “Rio Flu”

Face it, you guys are Hungary now. Worse even, Hungary at least had the courtesy to tell everyone straight up that they were becoming a functional dictatorship.


“During that time, there was extraordinary stigma, particularly against the gay community,” Fauci said at a press conference yesterday, as Pence looked on.

“And it was only when the world realized how the gay community responded to this outbreak with incredible courage and dignity and strength and activism — I think that really changed some of the stigma against the gay community, very much so.”

“And it was only when the world realized how the gay community responded to this outbreak with incredible courage and dignity and strength and activism — I think that really changed some of the stigma against the gay community, very much so.”

This isn’t he first time Pence has been forced to listen to criticisms of homophobia. In 2019, the out prime minister of Ireland said that it was possible for him to be “judged by my political actions, not by my sexual orientation” because he’s from a “country where freedom and liberty are cherished."