The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

Least shocking news ever.

I mean, I get that through a purely political, backward looking lens its easy (and probably correct) to take a cynical view of the Bush Administration’s response to 9/11.

But on 9/12/2001 most people, including me, were absolutely terrified. He got up and did his job as a human being and as a leader. But the point isn’t that Bush was uniquely wonderful (he wasn’t), its that standing up and acting like an adult in a time of crisis isn’t much of an ask for the President.


Right down to the ketchup on what I presume is a well done steak. 57. Nice.

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He was last golfing March 8. Lol I would have taken way over the over on 27 days to next outing.

“He deserves a break - he’s been working so hard leading the response!” - Everybody Trumpkin on facebook this weekend.


something something if Obummer was golfing in the middle of a national emergency


I’m going to guess they’ll figure out that this is a terrible idea and cancel it, and then they’ll say something about “trump derrangement syndrome” eating the libs brains


He gave up his opulent lifestyle to help us!!!

Literally any excuse will do though. Did you know Obama spent 200 million per day on a trip to India? At least Trump’s trip creates American jobs.

I think the press needs to keep this quiet and let him go golfing so we can roast him for it. Don’t put that on Twitter or cable news he’s gonna notice we’re on to him.

Trump could tweet a picture of himself golfing with the caption “suck it libtards” and it wouldn’t matter.

Half his supporters would cheer his brashness, the other half would dismissively wave it off as fake news and refuse to be convinced it was real.


This is funny in these dark times but unfortunately reminds me all too much of a certain person’s impeachment trial.

Gifs of the good bits but it’s worth watching with audio in full.

Did he stop Is he guilty

lol even sloven loyalty to Trump gets you nowhere

People still haven’t figured out that we want him golfing as much as possible?

You’re forgetting his other message. “Go shopping!”

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meh, it’s a right hand turn. What the car did is fine

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Visible sign that states right hand turn on red after stop

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Ya, but who actually does that