The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

Yep. The belief that one day the Trumpers will turn on him is as much, if not more, a substitute for religious faith as believing in him is for his followers.

Both sides believe the promised land is just around the corner.

That’s the private market in health care (insurance) and why we don’t have any idle hospital beds or medical equipment.

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Yea I think the niceties are over. This is going to send Trump into a spiral.

Fuckin’ libs want people to stay home and attend funerals using Zoom. That’s bullshit. Donald Trump will make sure that I get to properly mourn my family members when they die from coronavirus: by sitting next to sick people in the house of the Lord. #MAGA


If you want to really own these fucking morons on social media ask them how killing off olds to save their masters money works into their whole pro-life schtick. I know it won’t actually matter to the people we are mocking but shaming the fuck out of them for putting the almighty $$$ (and not even their money, their idols money) over any sense of decency is going to continue to be key.
( twitter | raw text )

I saw my first deplorable freakout (I only have 200 FB friends) yesterday and it was glorious

” so typical, that the left would attempt to block a capital infusion to those who are now out of work, as well businesses that are hoping to survive this event. While I am not looking for arguments… I wonder if those who vote left agree? “No, I don’t want any money”… ya right. Maybe there is more to the story than I am aware, but if so please share.”

His about me page says he used to work as an insurance agent before working for like some bullshit company called ”managinging capital ventures” that does small business loans lololol

Here is a reply from his dad LOL

” Exactly. Democrats tossed in climate change and other parts of their agenda that have nothing to do with what the bill is intended to do. We need this bill passed ASAP. Sure there is no assurance it will work or just delay but we must give this a shot so everyone can take a deep breath of HOPE. ”

Meanwhile literally all of my coworkers are broke and we barely have job right now and they’re almost entirely posting good things and pictures of them getting outside and trying to stay positive and support each other.

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A town hall? Guess he’s gonna have plants in the crowd asking pre-planned questions after sucking his cock for a few minutes.

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Lol. When tweets at cuomo aren’t good enough. Immediate town hall.

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Be sure to point out to them that killing off their olds will only accelerate the demographic shifts and that the liberals are just waiting for the day when abortion is the primary form of birth control!

BTW, totally not watching.

I salute those willing to take one for the team o7

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Can’t watch. Best Buy is closed. No place to get a new TV. I can use the same brick over and over however.


Not watching any more Trump appearances. Mental health decision.


Ask them if they would have been cool if the bill only sent money to the poorest ten percent and they got nothing or if they would want someone to say “Hold up, what about those guys”.

I know what their answer should be, but also know it would be a fruit salad of nonsense that doesn’t answer the question.

Waking up every morning and reading trump’s tweets from my bed and watch the White House YouTube channel for his rallies, bilateral meetings with word leaders and press gaggles for the last three years almost killed me but now I’m invincible


This is the great scam of religion and how it completely screws over the masses in favor of an elite few. The promise of a future utopia as long as you follow the religious elites teachings that completely screw over all life on earth and advantage a privileged few. And a huge portion of the masses buy into it being the most important thing in their lives.

It is literally a cult. And it prevents people from ever focusing on the idea that hey maybe we should try to make things as good as possible while we’re here rather than making things terrible now at the direction of your cult leader because he promises you a better tomorrow that may or may not ever come.


Kirstie Alley was always by far the worst part of that show. It’s even more apparent while binge watching.


lolololol Dr. Oz asking a question to Pence on Fox News.