Lol 15 day “challenge.” Do I have to make a Facebook video and tag three friends?
Obv, she had a special message for gen Zers and millenials at the beginning
What is the 15 day thing? We wait 15 days and the virus magically goes away? They’ve waved the cover page of the power point around a few times, problem solved.
15 day challenge & no-one under 15 yoa has died from it from Europe…
“The mortality data should be very reassuring.”
Yes, because we aren’t anywhere near the peak of this damn thing and we aren’t testing correctly, and we are attributing deaths to other things, its VERY reassuring
And here’s Mr. Earnest Face.
Can we do the “Ice Bucket Challenge” instead?
IQ test 4 roll, Pence v. Trump, go. I’ve got pre-dementia Donny by 10+
What happened?
I nodded off for a second…
The Admiral could use an appointment with the Tailor General
DAY 8!!!
Was anything mentioned before about this 15-day slow the spread “challenge”? Apparently we’re on day 8.
well this flow chart makes me feel better
it was ‘slow the spread over 15 days’ which then changed to the 15 day challege and is now you only have 15 days until america reopens for business
“much less bad” - Donald Jenius Trump
LOL, really bad flu season. Yah b/c 90% of coronavirus deaths will just be attributed to other causes.
oh my god, look at other countries and check out our numbers, umm our numbers are huge and we got a late start motherfucker