The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Meanwhile, in Iran nuclear deal news…
( twitter | raw text )

And the stock market goes into a big dive. Again.

We desperately need negative interest rates, that’ll turn the ship around.

Dow -1,000

Fed going YOLO to appease our dumb fuck president, what could go wrong

Also USA #1 has no tools to fight recession

We’ve always got gutting social security and medicare to fall back on.

When I argued that we should freeze federal spending, I meant Social Security, as well. I meant Medicare and Medicaid. I meant veterans benefits. I meant every single solitary thing in the government. And I not only tried it once – I tried it twice, I tried it a third time, and I tried it a fourth time. Somebody has to tell me in here how we’re going to do this hard work without dealing with any of those sacred cows, some deserving more protection than others.

-You know who


The audio is something else.

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( twitter | raw text )

So trump now has the top nine biggest daily dow joans falls, just one more 777+ fall to give him the clean top ten biggest falls


We got ‘em!

It looks like he locked up the top 10 today:

I’d love to see that as a headline since Trump pretends the stock market = the economy, but I think we also all know that total points means nothing.

I think someone messing with that? The ninth was 777 or so when I looked earlier and when I went to the page and refreshed it had gone?

Oh well congrats trump anyway!

seems to be missing
[2008-09-29] −777.68 −6.98

wayback machine

Interesting that neither Obama nor Trump have seen any of the top 20 percentage losses in a day. Obama saw #20 on the % gains list.

Not the recent ones anyway…

I’m still having trouble processing that the President of the United States:

a) doesn’t know what a vaccine is
b) doesn’t understand that the flu vaccine won’t help with coronavirus
c) had to have the concept of vaccine testing and timelines over and over before he maybe, possibly understood that a vaccine won’t just magically appear in a couple months