The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

He’s going to shadow the Democratic Primary state by state and try to suppress voter turnout and complicate last minute campaigning due to the security protocols that go with a sitting POTUS being there.


For future dunks… :point_up_2:

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Pretty smart strategy tbh
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Let me see if I got this right…


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The fundamentals of the economy are sound!

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Wrong, the correct answer is all sociopaths.

I’m definitely a Loser and my boss’s boss is definitely a very successful, very charismatic Sociopath.

Have a hard time placing my direct boss. I think he is being groomed to be a Sociopath but time will tell if he is cut out for it. We went to school together/are good friends, and occasionally think his big test to enter the inner circle of Sociopaths is to lay me off one day, lol.

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Don McGahn @lawbros is free not to testify. :thinking:

What now guys more letters?

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Let’s check in on LawBro in the box:


The time for letters has passed. Escalation is required. Tonight, I get drunk and walk past the courthouse while shaking my fist, mumbling sadly, and (re)calculating how much I spent on my law degree.


It gets pretty deep into things towards the end

And in Jamesian solitude, Sociopaths find ideas contending in their minds. The creative destruction they script in the world of Losers and Clueless is mirrored by a creative destruction in their minds.

This process creates power, but destroys meaning, especially the meanings of social realities. The result is increasing inner emptiness and external power.

It is this very emptiness that allows the Sociopath to play hero for the Clueless and priest for Losers. Recall that Sociopaths create meaning for others through the things they subtract, rather than the things they add. This is something conspiracy theorists typically don’t get: manufacturing fake realities is very hard. But subtractive simplification of reality is much easier, and yields just as much power.

From the persona they present to the Clueless, they subtract human fallibility and imperfection, presenting an illusory ideal of heroic perfection for the Clueless to identify with, and hopelessly strive toward.

From the persona they present to Losers, they subtract all participatory emotion, turning themselves into detached priests, bearing messages and gifts of emotional capital from hidden benevolent realities.

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Among the options being considered are pursuing a targeted tax cut package, these people said.

These ideas would not be designed to stop the spread of the coronavirus, but they would seek to arrest the economic fears spreading through the economy.

“At this point, the coronavirus has not had a broad impact on the U.S. economy and its effects have been limited. However, Chairman Grassley and the Senate Finance Committee stand ready to consider appropriate tax relief responses if that becomes necessary and the extent of the problem can be determined,” Michael Zona, a Grassley spokesman, said in a statement.

lmao tax cuts is the answer to every question