The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I assume most were in pro-Trump areas, although his rally in Phoenix last night was not. Apparently there’s no real recourse.

Last June, the Center for Public Integrity reported over $840,000 was still owed to at least 10 cities that have hosted Trump rallies since 2016.

As of last month, none of those cities had received payment from the Trump campaign.

Other cities, such as Minneapolis, sought payment for hosting a rally prior to hosting their event, but Battle Creek city officials said that requesting money in advance could have legal ramifications.

In October, The Trump Campaign threatened to sue AEG, the booking company for Minneapolis’ Target Center where the rally was held, over the bill. Ultimately, the event went ahead without any payment being made.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey announced in November that the city spent $542,733 hosting the president’s rally.

Frey said that Minneapolis had still not received payment and the city was still considering what to do next.

Nothing will ever surpass the peak of Trump’s failure upwards.

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Seems like just a bit of a loophole if cities just have to let political campaigns use whatever venue they want without paying.

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Good news! The machine is not quite self-aware, yet

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Yep, Trump could just bankrupt every sanctuary city by simply holding a rally or two there

Can we get an option to replace the text ‘Melania Trump’ with ‘Gold Digging Former Prostitute’ like we have for Florida Man? Can I hate her with every fiber of my being and not be a misogynist?

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“We are desperate — desperate — for more people,” Mulvaney said. “We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we’ve had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants.”

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Womp Womp


I think this is appropriate for this thread. Feeling the Bern.

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( twitter | raw text )

That smug look on his face says it all. He won, we lost.

Fuck you, Mulvaney.



Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.

It is unclear what the official, Shelby Pierson, specifically said at the briefing that angered Trump, but the president erroneously believed that she had given information exclusively to Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), the committee chairman, and that the information would be helpful to Democrats if it were released publicly, the people familiar with the matter said. Schiff was the lead impeachment manager, or prosecutor, during Trump’s Senate trial on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

The president was furious with Maguire and blamed him for the supposed transgression involving Pierson when the two met the next day.

Pierson, who coordinates the intelligence community’s efforts to gather information on foreign threats to U.S. elections, spoke at a briefing held for the full committee on “election security and foreign interference in the run-up to the 2020 election,”


As you know I’d usually be critical of the Judge here, but in fairness I was looking at 3/4 as a very decent result before the 7/9 recommendation came down…

I’ll take in, if fact its a result we should be OK about.

Not much more the judge could have done tbh to avoid the rath of the AG and that’s a real threat.

She’s a separate and equal branch of the government. Doj isn’t her boss

Are you sure you aren’t thinking of ToTok?