The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

They’ll need to tweak it a bit to make sure Obama doesn’t get any immunity.


if you find it odd that the “drain the swamp” and “lock them up” candidate is pardoning public officials convicted of corruption…

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stop breaking the fourth wall and talk about the news. it works, don’t overthink it.


This is super easy for the Republicans. They just need to put in place something that grants immunity only when approved by Congress, and eDem idiots will refuse to do it because of “bipartisanship” and “reaching across the aisle” while Republicans gleefully use it at every opportunity.
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“Logan Act” is trending on Twitter, and this time it’s not because of liberals desperate to find laws Trump or his administration broke:

Noted dipshit Donald J. Trump, Jr weighs in

yeah! if you want to take secret meetings with foreign agents, you gotta be the SON of a candidate. but NOT joe biden’s son!

Lol wow. A new low.
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That’s right, fuck you Canada.


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“I don’t need anybody’s money,” he said as he announced his candidacy in June. “I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists. I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich.”
Are Donald Trump's Pockets Deep Enough To Fund His Campaign? : NPR


Yeah Mike, you idiot, you’re supposed to have your lawyer spread the money around then you reimburse them by making it look like they were being paid a retainer. This is basic politics!

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How does the Logan act apply to a sitting senator? I am pleading ignorance.

The issue with the trump lackeys was they did it before they represented the country or anyone with standing. Seems like a senator would have standing?

Obviously there are some norms and laws about responsibilities but it’s very different from a random nobody and someone who is actively filling an oath of office.

Solid gimmick.

Not going to lie. The raw tilt ability of Bloomberg for a trump is a joy to see. Even as a bad candidate who is doing things with campaign finance I abhor, he hits Trump where he lives and Trump can’t do anything about the things he hates about Bloomberg. Bloomberg out alphas him in the only area he cares about and he never dreamed he needed to lie that much to compete.

All that being said it is really messing with the democratic primary process which already has enough other problems.

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I’m confused. Why are we getting an FU?

Trump is saying the NY congressman will be tough on the border, he’s of course talking about Mexico but doesn’t make a lot of sense for NY