The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I wouldn’t worry about it. FL’s governorship went to a Trumpkin and we lost a longtime Senate seat to a GOP Medicare fraudster, both in a year where Dems made huge gains nationwide. There’s no way Trump loses FL this year no matter what Schumer says.



How many whistleblowers could a whistleblower blow if a whistleblower could blow whistles?

This is not the first time Hookers for Jesus has received federal grant money. In 2017, Nevada announced it was giving Lobert’s group nearly $300,000 through the federal Victims of Crime Act. In her grant application at the time, Lobert said church participation was voluntary.

The funding was not renewed in 2018 after the state obtained Hookers for Jesus program manuals saying it was “mandatory” for guests of the group’s shelter, Destiny House, to attend services and volunteer at a specific church. Its staff training manual said homosexuality is immoral and abusing drugs for pleasure is “witchcraft.” Reuters obtained the manuals through a public records request.

An internal department memo seen by Reuters shows that as of September 12, two long-established nonprofits – the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach and Chicanos Por La Causa of Phoenix – were originally on the list of recommended grant winners after receiving high marks from outside contractors hired to review applications. The annual grants help nonprofits and local governments aid human trafficking victims.

Later that month, those two organizations were replaced as recommended recipients by Hookers for Jesus and the Lincoln Tubman Foundation, which both received lower rankings from the outside reviewers. The reason, a September 23 memo says, was an effort to “distribute funding across as many states as possible.”

The change was ultimately approved by Katharine Sullivan…head of the Office of Justice Programs, OJP, which awards the grants. Sullivan defended the process as proper. “Our funding decisions are based on a merit-based review system,” she said.

She was previously hired by AG Bill Barr.

Back in October, she spoke at the 2019 Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative Advisory Committee and gave these remarks on Barr.

Attorney General Barr is a leader who will do whatever it takes to give law enforcement the tools they need to do their jobs as effectively – and as safely – as possible, and he understands that there are few things more critical to that task than the capacity to share information and criminal intelligence.

I’ll leave you with this – this is something I say often to people – our attorney general is not one to dance around the edges of a problem. He prefers big solutions – which is a major reason why OJP is dedicating substantial resources to helping law enforcement fight crime, combat drugs, and take gun and gang criminals off the street. He knows that our success depends on our ability to collect, analyze, and share information. We stand ready to work with you to help you find the best way to do that.


Lol at China not having a drug problem.


To be fair you won’t need the funding to fight corona as the borders are preparing to be completely shuttered and martial law imposed.

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Narrator: They voted for Trump again

Trump says the heat will take care of the virus as soon as April.

Just in time for Don to make the final push to be the GOP nomination. Only 40 delegates out of 1,276 delegates declared for him so far. It’s still anyone’s race!

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I really like the Unstuck twitter feed, but it could pull back from some of the BernieBro conspiracies about the evil DNC. That would be nice. We are all anti-Trump, but the “official” twitter shouldn’t pick sides in the primary.

Really, it just makes me think that some Bernie stans are basically inverted Trump voters, with conspiracy-addled thinking and that human beings are basically too stupid to govern themselves democratically, or really in any fashion. That was fine in a pre-technology age, where human stupidity could only do so much damage, but now the potential for harm is existential.


Fingers crossed!


Narrator: he did not serve 7-9 years in prison

( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )


Maj Leader? Unlikely. A rando senator? Lol, not even close.

How dumb do you have to be to tweet that Curb clip and think it’s somehow a positive for you?


D’essin/ecriture/Max? Is that you?

curb your enthusiasm: wearing a maga hat makes you a social pariah, but also can be used to deescalate violent road rage confrontations because there’s a good chance those types of unhinged lunatics are trump supporters and can be easily manipulated if you simply lie to them



One tidbit that made me laugh was the other organization other than Hookers for Jesus, is the daughter of a political bigwig, which is bad, but the address for the organization is her parent’s mansion which she hoped to move out of soon into her own office space.

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