The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

So we agree on this one. Glad to hear it. Their message is D- always which is infuriating.

Impeaching him is morally right. Investigating is morally right. The un-investigated Emoulments stuff is morally right.

But how this is going to play out will not reflect that.

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Time to start a who will run in 2024 thread and list DJT? They really are going to go for it if he wins in 2020.

just pick beto for VP and leave him in texas to see if he can make the GOP spend money down there. would be a win-win.


JFC the raw grift is just naked.

Even if Trump wanted to be Dictator For Life (I have mixed feelings on that) there’s no way Huckabeast Sr thinks he should be. But he’ll be damned if he misses out on a few more book sales or speech opportunities to the Hitler Youth, or whatever he’s getting out of this.

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This is like the 12th time he’s declared a China trade deal. It wasn’t real the first 11, but maybe this is the one. Or maybe he’s full of shit again and just looking for good headlines.

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I told you guys there was zero chance Trump debates next year. His dementia addled brain is going down a sewer hole and his enablers know it.


lol the debates?? he’s considering skipping the whole election


I agree but I’ve been called out numerous times here for suggesting he won’t debate.

he can show up and drool on himself and there will be 1000 youtubes the next day titled “donald trump DESTROYS pocahantas!!!” with a photo of liz’s face looking like she’s your mom yelling at you

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Sure but his base is only 30-35%. A lot of voters are going to be exposed to his decline.

hey i hope so. and i’m not calling you out or anything but it feels off-brand for such an insane narcissist as trump to decline a chance at being watched by tens of millions of people on tv

I’m basing it on cognition decline and dementia. This isn’t the summer of 2016.

I mean shit, Obama got wrecked in his first debate in 2012. Trump is legit senile.


Who are the idiots frantically buying and selling stocks based on the 74th “TRADE DEAL COMING” tweet?

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he is. but it’ll be up to him. the guy can not be handled. do you think he thinks he’s better and smarter than [the democrat]?

He barely wanted to debate last time and was more or less forced because of bad optics if he doesn’t. Now he is the incumbent and can just concoct any narrative he wants to justify skipping the debates.

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The appropriate candidate would humiliate Trump until attending becomes a matter of pride.

Hell, call him and say you’re terrified he’s going to destroy you, but you’d be honored to have the chance.

Trump doesn’t like confrontation. He likes having his ass kissed. It’s a huge difference.

Hillary’s biggest flaw in 2016 was not attacking Trump directly in the debates. She didn’t go hard in the paint because she assumed she was gonna win.

If anything, it’s the Dem candidate that should avoid the debates. At best they mean nothing, and much more likely they are a negative free roll. No one with a functioning brainstem could have thought he won the last time they occurred but it didn’t do anything to stifle his progress.

His clan meetings are as incoherent as ever and none on his side care. Another round of debates wouldn’t make a difference if the vast sums of content that we have to demonstrate his stupidity hasn’t already.


My memory is vague but didn’t he skip some of the Republican primary debates in favor of holding a rally in Bumblefuck, PA? I think it’s very possible he just skips the general election debates.