The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances


The people who say let Trump be Trump are admitting they knew he was corrupt all along. That’s why they voted for him. No excuses.

It was one thing to be some moron excited to see Trump scream YOU’RE FIRED to half of the country. No one can claim that now without their motivation for remaining willfully ignorant being part of the reason they suck so much.

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(5) whether the President is immune from impeachment if he attempts an impeachable offense but is caught before he completes it

LOL that this even has to be explained.

TY for regular scheduled programming :)

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Some light reading at 55 pages.

More light reading (450 pgs lol) if anyone wants to compare against the GOP arguments for impeaching Clinton

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The lawyers who produced the impeachment report are heroes and likely didn’t take Thanksgiving off. 300 page reports don’t write themselves.

The Mueller report was good but flawed and took two years. These guys put this together in 2 months.

@simplicitus for today’s report. I imagine many of the same people deserve thanks.



I imagine by this point 65% of senators and 80% of non resigning congress people from the Republican Party are compromised in some way that Russia knows about and can invoke.

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This report is breathtaking and every bit as boring as everyone feared last week’s lawbro TV hearings would be. There is a ton of history, so if you are looking for a 55-page damning condemnation of Trump, this is not written that way.

There are a couple of bits that I think most would find exciting, however:

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Judge Jeanine is the worst. I’d literally break the tv if I lived with someone who watched that trash.

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Lmao what

Racism and antisemitism and him telling on himslef. He is losing it. Imagine if Ilhan Omar said that…


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Lol @ Trump thinking he’s serving more than 2 terms. Donnie Dum Dum’s dementia addled brain is already babbling about flushing toilets 15x and raking forest floors. Dude will be drinking cheeseburgers through a straw and soiling his Depends within a year with how quickly his cognition is declining.

We’ve reached the point where the media (and everyone, really) has to just cover or react to what they assume Trump meant to say, since he literally is incapable of speaking coherently.

It’s actually an odd sort of advantage. He’s so stupid and demented and terrible at communicating that his apologists can essentially claim he meant anything.

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