The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances
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I wouldn’t be able to handle that job. I see enough cruelty in others in my current job and it’s rarely directed at me and it still has a serious affect on my mental health.

On a related note, I really think one of the best, short-hand metrics for judging a person’s character is how they treat people in the service industry. It’s not perfect (sometimes people can just be hbu g a bad day and snap at someone they normally wouldn’t), but if you treat people doing service/menial jobs like shit, I’m quick to judge you as a shitty person.

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Same obviously. Both my wife and I have a really hard time with people who are shitty to lower class people. I don’t think it would work for us to even be acquainted with people like that.

Speaking of people who are an absolute lock to be abusive to the service staff @realDonaldTrump :angry:


GAO confirmed full of disloyal deep-state never-trumpers.

But seriously, TIL the GAO is part of the Legislative branch, not the Executive branch. The current head of the GAO has worked there since 1973.

Obv you can’t have the executive branch doing oversight of the executive branch.

This GAO report would never have been released if the Dems didn’t take the House, so solid work everyone, make sure we contribute getting people out to vote.


haha as a server i can confirm this. they’re the most demanding customer, the rudest, and they complain the most. they’re more likely to ask for substitutions and off menu items and ask me if we have any specials and ask me for a desert menu and to go over the menu with no intention of ever getting a desert. its like they want a song and dance from their server. i can’t be just a guy who takes their order and makes sure it arrives at their table and that they enjoy their meal. i’ve gotta be something else to these people. like if i arrive at a table full of normal people before they have a chance to look at the menu they’ll say come back in 5 minutes but if i do this at karen’s table it means i have to spend 5 minutes going over the menu and reading it to them, while my entire section goes down in flames and i start losing money because karen thinks shes the only person in the entire world and doesn’t see or care that i’m helping 20 other people.


Late night hosts are bad at crime I guess. If the person directing your crime is the POTUS you document absolutely EVERYTHING. 1) you’re a criminal nobody will believe on his own and 2) you want to avoid getting thrown under the bus, and the best way to do that is to cover yourself in spikes that would damage the bus if it ran over you.

Epstein documented fucking everything and it kept him a free man for 23 years raping kids.


Many/All executive departments have an Inspector General. I guess it’s not strictly oversight, but they do love to investigate themselves.

I just assumed the GAO was a more holistic version of this, an “internal affairs” division that made sure Ben Carson wasn’t spending too much on furniture and ashtrays.

Edit: It’s also pretty safe to assume any Federal worker is part of the Executive just based on numbers:

2018 Actual
Executive Branch Civilian	2,646,778
Legislative Branch		   30,103
Judicial Branch			   32,711
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And then she tips 10% because the check is 50 bucks and 5 dollars is enough for you spending 15 minutes on her. I wish I could communicate to these people how many times in their lives (it’s definitely not zero) someone spit in their food or worse. I’m incredibly gracious to wait staff even when they suck for exactly that reason. I’m fairly certain nobody is spitting in my food because of it. I also tip well because it’s literally my favorite way to give to charity in my head. Seriously I’d much rather give money directly to some server than give it to the United Way.

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Enjoy the billions of dollars I gave you, farmers!

Ew yuck, black people got a free $650 million, what a disgrace.


Hard not to LOL at some of the thing presented as scandalous in this article:

Flint, Michigan, received $390 million in state funding for its water crisis, but as much has gone to economic and social development as has gone to safe drinking water, state spending data show.*

Economic and social development? The horror!

State water-crisis money has been providing free daycare for children ages 3 and under in the city, even though none of them were alive or in utero during the primary water crisis, a state spokesman acknowledged.

Caring for children? An abomination!

Money from a state water grant was used to bring “a youth basketball league back to the city after a fifteen-year absence,” according to the book [“The Poisoned City.”]

Black boys playing basketball? Straw that broke the camel’s back.


The first POTUS who knew how/is willing to do sales. It’s a huge advantage. Just say your product is the best. It works.

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Okay so hear me out.

Next time you want to write something or review something you wrote, change the font to comic sans.

The font makes each character so distinct that you will shift into a different mental state. You will perceive the document differently.

Many writers find that writing in comic sans dramatically increases the speed and clarity with which they write.

Of course only a moron would send the draft without changing back to a conventional font. (note I have on occasion been one of those morons)

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The Flint ordeal predates Trump’s presidency, so, uhh, what have you been doing to help Flint these past four years, Donnie?

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