The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances
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This, from a review of a Grant biography, provides a flavor of the point:

Chernow provides a historically accurate portrayal of the Reconstruction period. Beginning with the presidency of Andrew Johnson the author dwells on the former Tennessee governor’s blatant racism and goal of restoring Confederate ideals as soon as possible. Grant, then General in Chief and temporary Secretary of War with Johnson’s suspension of Edwin M. Stanton challenged the new president on issues ranging from the Freedman’s Bureau, constitutional amendments, racist inspired riots and murder in Memphis and New Orleans, and the impeachment process. It is clear from Chernow’s analysis that Grant became the foremost protector of persecuted blacks in the south as his disgust with Johnson continually increased. With this process his world view moved closer to Radical Republicans. Grant believed that Johnson “had subverted the will of Congress in a way that bordered on treason.”(589) Grant grew very uncomfortable as he found himself in the middle between Johnson and the Radical Republicans over the interpretation of the Tenure of Office Act. For Grant military rule in the south should be terminated as soon as possible, but also believed that withdrawal should take place without sacrificing the welfare of blacks.

That’s because conservative forums are populated by literal thin skinned pieces of shit that have no ability to endure criticism

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Regardless of this argument, the Chernow biography of Grant is excellent.


Jefferson, unsurprisingly, wins the gold medal here.

It’s impossible to find the Chernow biography excellent and not think of Grant as a great man. Far, far braver than Bernie even. Andrew Johnson makes Trump look like Biden.

A book review from some random person on the internet isn’t a citation, nor does it support any of your assertions. Grant was a slave owner and exploited slave labor for his own benefit. This is factual.

You are also being a toxic douche for reasons that are not at all clear. I suggest you stop that.


The cite was to the book, friend.

The book is 960 pages. The review provides a helpful synopsis. You provide literally nothing.


his extraordinarily progressive work on race relations. “Treat the Negro as a citizen and a voter—as he is, and must remain,” he told Congress in 1874, close to a century before the South would finally consent to doing so. The victorious general in the civil war, Grant tried to see that the principles his men had fought for endured.

Less profanity more substance please or I hide all your posts that contain the slightest profanities… Thanks

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After his election in November 1868 and reelection four years later, Grant faithfully carried out the letter and spirit of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments, as well as anti- discrimination legislation. He also led the fight for the Fifteenth Amendment prohibiting racial discrimination in voting, which was ratified in February 1870 (pp. xxii- Grant vigorously enforced this Amendment—including by military intervention in Southern states that violently opposed black suffrage—until 1875. This effort is not surprising, as Grant had championed black suffrage since the end of the Civil War. Grant focused on ensuring blacks’ civil rights (including physical security), political equality, and educational opportunities—but not on their economic development. In March 1865, Lincoln had supported creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau, which provided ex-slaves not only with food, clothing, shelter, and education, but also with large plots of land that had been confiscated from rebel soldiers (pp. 475, 562). Shortly after taking office, President Johnson reversed that land redistribution policy (pp. 562–63).
Moreover, to give the Reconstruction Amendments practical force, Grant successfully made destroying the Ku Klux Klan a top priority.Furthermore, he was the first President to welcome African Americans to the White House and to appoint them in large numbers to federal positions, including diplomatic posts. Finally, Grant helped freed slaves in other areas, particularly education.

Grant’s steadfast commitment to racial progress was obvious to his contemporaries. Most notably, Frederick Douglass repeatedly recognized Grant’s unmatched contributions in protecting and assisting black Americans.

When did we vote that swearing was against the rules? Or do you mean you’ll hide them for you and not everyone else?

I’m not allowing any poster to post sexist remarks… And will hide all those profanities…

He can swear all he wants…

Bitch is not a word for this forum to be directed at any poster… And that’s what I’m taking exception too from anyone.

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So is there a list of what profanities you find sexist and which ones aren’t just so I can stay on the right side of the law?

What in the bloody fuck?

Bitch is not a word for this forum to be directed at any poster… And that’s what I’m taking exception too from anyone.

I’m a bit surprised that our richest president (by far) Washington didn’t win the gold medal. I didn’t realize it until recently but Washington was an extremely successful capitalist who was probably one of the five richest men in the country. He likely quit after two terms for the same reasons Bill Gates will never even run.

LMAO. Will you be treating Bastard and dick the same way, or are you only concerned with swears that are female based?

I will forswear Bitch, Sissy, and Pansy.

Not sure about lowT yet. Perhaps I’ll wait for a mob vote?

Welp, now gotta hope its SF/TEN in the super bowl, and SF puts up a 94 vs the Chargers performance.

I thought it was long established that using the derogatory term Bitch was a hidaable post…

I see now it was not verified by you and that’s all OK with me… Post away Kerowo I’m sure as a long standing poster you will get away with a few bitch remarks unlike Ana up there…

Problem with that… Go to the Mod forum.