The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Also you can tell AOC is spectacular at messaging by how much energy the right is investing in trying to destroy her. Also it’s a small number of polls targeted at people who aren’t in her core audience.

She’s a just now 30 year old member of congress who has an absolutely safe seat that she straight up mugged an establishment Dem for. It’s pretty safe to say she’s doing something right. That something is messaging.

The establishment Dems AND the GOP hate and fear her. They know good messaging when they see it and are terrified that her ideas are spreading. Unfortunately for them they are right.

And we are going up this year. MOT.

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Which only proves the point that having a “good message” is not sufficient. When you dig into the poll numbers, her name recognition is much higher among Republicans than Dems. Fox news both sees her as a threat, but also recognized that the version of her that they could broadcast (young clueless latina bartendender from New York who wants to take away your hamburger and your truck) would be incredibly unpopular with their base. And guess what, she’s really unpopular with white dudes in the midwest. So, maybe we should acknowledge thst having a great twitter feed isn’t actually enough to beat a coordinated Fox News propaganda message.



Marching on Together.

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Is that true, though? Look at this picture and compare her Fav vs Unfav ratings to the other candidates:

In absolute percentages, she has the second lowest gap of Fav to Unfav (14%, behind Ayanna’s 11% and ahead of Trump’s 15%) despite, as you note, coverage of her being overwhelmingly negative. Compare her heads-up to Pelosi and Schumer–she strictly beats both. The only highly-known person whose relative ratio is better than hers is Trump, and that’s just due to his 25% floor made up of evil racists.

Given the headwinds she’s facing (from both parties!), I’d say she’s doing pretty well.

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Tytyty haha for some reason I thought Leeds was part of your name. Now it all makes sense.

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Luka Doncic and now this? Slovenia rules.

"If you look at the detailed breakdown of the latest poll, from Quinnipiac, you’ll see that Ocasio-Cortez is viewed extremely favorably among Democrats: 47 percent view her favorably and 7 percent view her unfavorably. By contrast, she’s viewed overwhelmingly unfavorably among Republicans: A scant 2 percent view her favorably while 74 percent view her unfavorably.

The most striking partisan gap is how many people in each party are familiar with her.

A large number of Democrats — 44 percent — haven’t heard enough about her to have an opinion. A much smaller percentage of Republicans — 23 percent — can say the same. AOC is simply better known among Republicans than Democrats, and this is driving her unfavorables up."

Plenty of folks still don’t know her and it’s hard to say how her message would work with those people, but I’d argue that given that (a) Fox and other conservative media made the decision to cover her and (b) that she is really unpopular with the folks that saw that Fox coverage, I’m just a little skeptical of the claim that she has somehow cracked the code for messages that will win back the midwest.

Meh. She’s popular in her district, not popular in a deep red one.

My rep in Reno is a guy named Mark Amodei - he’ll die in his seat (unless he runs for something else or loses interest) and couldn’t get elected dog catcher in San Francisco. She’s a convenient boogeyman for the Fox News mouthbreathers, I suppose. The fact that her “poll numbers are getting hammered by conservative media” otherwise means nothing.


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This is a phat opinion.

You might have a polysci dissertation idea right here.

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It means nothing until you try to make the claim, like some itt were doing, that her issue profile and messaging style should be adopted by more Dems, specifically Democratic presidential candidates who want to beat Trump in Midwestern swing states.

Now, obviously, if she were the candidate she’d have more power to shape the national narrative, but I just think that the initial data indicates that (A) Fox News and its ilk is pretty good at making a boogey man out of anyone they set aim at, and (b) not all of her messaging is quite as popular with the canonical midwest swing voter as folks here would hope.

ETA: I should probably take a deep breath here a inject a bit of uncertainty into my post. AOC is obviously talented. She is also still relatively unknown among the general population. Given that, it’s really hard to know how she would play in a national context. Or how a 50 year old white dude who said the same stuff she says would play. The bottom line is it’s just really easy for all of us (myself included) to assume that the messages that resonate with us should and will resonate with everyone else. But if Trump’s political success has proven anything, that is simply not the case. Some issues are more personally important than others. Some rhetorical framings click more easily. It’s a big complicated morass


its happening?

I see the grift continues.

“I can’t think of anything dumber than allowing Congress to take over our foreign policy … The last thing we want to do is push powers into Congress’ hands and take them away from the president.”

Her hatred for the constitution is almost unfathomable. WTF?


Area (Wo)man Passionate Defender Of What (S)he Imagines Constitution To Be

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god I hope Pelosi is playing them, there’s literally no reason she should send these over. Talking head dipshits on CNN or whatever are all like “she’s outof time” and “she has no leverage” but the fact that they’re still talking about it pretty much proves that she does.

more importantly, she gains nothing by sending them over, and she loses nothing by holding on to them.


SHS is literally adult Wednesday Addams


She already had the sociopathic nature, now she’s killin’ the look

