The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

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63,000,000 people: trumps real doctor says he is the healthiest president ever and he’s a real life Benjamin button who will only become healthier when re-elected to his 3rd and 4th terms.

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Is this the same guy who said he had bonespurs? If so fuck him.


Eyes rolling.

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Me and that dude are going to have a really good laugh about how no actual Republicans made it more than 30 seconds into that video on the train to the death camp.

Merry Christmas everyone!


The funny thing about these online diagnoses is Trump was just touting his invention of telemedicine to save the soldiers in the bill he signed.

Just a reminder when inevitable complaints come in about diagnosing people off television. Telemedicine has become a real thing and is growing extremely fast and in most cases physicians are working with a fraction of the information that people reviewing Trump have.

If Trump were in an actual telemedicine visit they would undoubtedly demand he go to a hospital indefinitely.
What government does he think he works for?

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Well, after reading the article, they really had to recall the guy since Zambia wanted him out.

They even kind of issued a statement in support of the ambassador’s position. Very weak sauce statement, but a bit surprising because I was expecting more of a throwing under the bus than what actually happened.

Not sure this one moves the needle much in the annals of shitty State Dept things.

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Haha no just kidding it’s a missile test, I’ve done nothing

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Congrats to American consumers for somehow going even further into debt

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Merry Christmas! Obviously alone and miserable, love it.


Like all tools, telemedicine has its uses, especially in situations where a high powered specialist can help in evaluation of a complex problem where otherwise that specialist can’t be helpful. Of course you have to use the tool properly or you’re just a chimp banging away with a hammer, which is probably how it will generally used (probably in some half-assed attempt to save $$)


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There is a little booth outside my local grocery store where they have a petition to get Gavin Newsom recalled

Like I don’t even get it. I’ve seen them out there for like a week, all day long. Why in gods name would you waste a week for something that has 0 chance of happening?

Imagine being such a loser you sit outside for a week for literally no reason.